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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Context and background. Our institution's participation in the Erasmus+ programme is part of our overall strategy of modernization and internationalization, which is based on the coorperation with other European institutions, mainly enterprises. Our institution has been committed to achieving this goal for seven years by promoting both students and teaching staff's mobilities in Europe. We offer three Higher Vocational Training Courses in Art: Industrial Design ( Furniture ) , Graphic Design for Advertising and Photography. Objectives Therefore, our main objective has been to establish links with European enterprises so that some of our students can do their internships in companies in the art and design business. At the same time, our priority has also been to let our teaching staff benefit from the possibility of getting fresh training in an European context so that they could get in touch with the demands and needs of a design firm in Europe. Number and profile of participants. 2 participants. One student mobility for trainship between Programme countries. One staff mobility for training between Programme countries. Description of the mobilibities In this sense, in this project we have colaborated with a Graphic Design and Product Design company in Torino (Italy) called Design Gang with the mobility of one student in the Graphic Design for Advertising course. Through this mobility we have managed to get our student in touch with the labour market in an international context where she has been able to put into practice both the technical and practical skills achieved during her time as a student at our institution. On the other hand, we have also carried out a staff mobility for training in the same company, which has allowed the teacher to keep-up-dated in how a graphic design agency works, to get to know the graphic design software they are currently using as well as to understand the nature of the relationship established between the studio and the client so as to put it into practice in the classroom. Results and impact obtained, as well as benefits in the long run. This internship period in an European studio will be an added value for the student and will have positive effects on his training as a student. This will contribute to improve his personal and professional competences, as well as to acquire new working methodologies. In the long run, the student's possibilities to enter in the labour market will be widened. As far as the staff mobility for training that we have carried out, it is important to mention that this has contributed to the improvement of the teacher's personal and professional competences as well as to the acquisition of new practical skills. In the long run, this will promote the transference of knowledge, competences and experiences between the enterprise and the teaching staff, which will be shown in the curriculum of the subjects. This will have a positive effect in all the students in our institution.
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