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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

UTP University of Science and Technology in Bydgoszcz has participated in Erasmus Program since 1998. The agreement for implementation of the project was signed for 16 months.The main goal of the project is to develop studying mobility in the sector of higher education in countries participating in Erasmus Program. The project assumed 27 student exchanges, 25 student internships, 40 exchanges of academic teachers to run classes and 8 exchanges of the university staff for training purposes, totally 100 trips abroad. The purpose of those mobility stays was to assist students in acquisition of knowledge and new qualifications, improvement of foreign language skills, gaining new experiences, getting familiar with foreign cultures and countries. Moreover, the project aimed at popularizing UTP in the whole country and abroad through hosting foreign partners from different universities, international cooperation and by providing the program participants with support during their stay in our university. Overall, as many as 95 participants have taken part in the project including: 27 students who went to study abroad, 23 students who went to have internships, 37 academic teachers who participated in the program to run classes for students and 8 workers for training purposes. Most students who have taken part in the mobility program, were students of the third year of the first cycle degree studies and the second year of the second cycle degree studies. Most participants were students of technical disciplines of such faculties as the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering,Mechanical Engineering and Telecommunications and Computer Science. The main destination countries have been: Germany, Spain, Czech and Portugal and other countries participating in the program. The number of academic teachers who have participated in the Program was similar for each of the 7 faculties of UTP. However, mainly the workers of the IRO have gone abroad to attend workshops some workers of the Foreign Languages Institute and employees of other faculties. The main destinations of their mobility have been: Turkey, Spain and Slovakia. Under the Project the university has also hosted many students who have came here to continue their studies or take part in internships as well as workers of foreign universities who are partners in the exchange program. Totally 200 foreign students and nearly 50 workers have visited us in order to run classes and lectures with students and for training purposes. Foreign students who have come to study at UTP were mostly Turkish, Spanish Portuguese and Greek students. The following tasks have been accomplished under the Project: - student mobility studying and internships , - UTP staff mobility for teaching and training, - 200 foreign students have been accepted for studies and internships, - 50 workers of foreign universities to run classes and participate in workshops, - cooperation within bilateral agreements with nearly 100 foreign universities, - providing participants of the mobility program with language, cultural and social support, - 13 licenses have been granted for online language courses. All the activities involved in the project have been consistent with the financial agreement signed with the National Agency as well as with contractual provisions included in ECHE and in the EPS Majority of the expected effects have been achieved. 95 mobility stays have been completed. All the students who have participated in the mobility period received recognition of their achievements gained abroad. Mobility visits of the university staff members were included in their work plans and yearly evaluation of their performance. In relation to qualitative results of the project there is no doubt that the activities and tasks involved in the project have contributed to its participants? improvement in knowledge, qualifications and language skills. New experiences gained during the mobility have certainly had a positive influence on their personal development and increases students? employment possibilities on the European market. Mobility of workers has also contributed to their personal development, and has had a very positive influence on the sending institution. The participants who came back from the exchange could share their knowledge and experience with their colleagues and superiors. Thus the university can benefit from the experience of people who have been representing it abroad using it at different levels and in different fields of its operation. Implementation of Erasmus+ Project has also helped the university to meet the assumptions specified in UTP strategy, according to which one of 5 strategic goals involves intensification of the university international cooperation. The offer of first and second cycle degree studies has been extended. We are making every effort to provide foreign students with comfort, safety and friendly environment

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