European Projects
Higher education student and staff mobility projec..
Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014,
End date: Sep 30, 2015
The Erasmus+ Mobility funding under project Key Action 103 has been very successful for Southampton Solent University and has seen a year of great change and development. At the University our priority for all dimensions of internationalisation is rapidly growing. That said we have been involved in mobility and its various forms for many years.
We approached our application to Key Action 103 with the aim to grow mobility across the University. We wanted to reach out and promote the programme widely and even have a stand at University Open Days to start providing information early on to prospective students. This is because we want to market opportunities across the full learner journey.
Our objectives for student mobility were to advertise and recruit to students across the University to fulfil funded places where possible. For study this was for full year programmes where possible and then Semester-based. For traineeships this was with courses that have a structure that allow for work-placement and to spend time with students to coach them on their options to undertake this work experience abroad. This included developing opportunities for them to find out more about other students experiences.
Student Mobility
We were delighted to send 42 students on mobility, that number was made up of 36 students that undertook study mobility abroad and 6 students that undertook a traineeship abroad.
Those that undertook study placements took an average of 7 months abroad and for those on traineeships the average was 3 months.
Of those students there were 18 of those that were registered as being from a disadvantaged background, meaning that 43% of students received disadvantaged student funding. This was calculated based on their household income as well as recognising that they were in receipt of a university bursary that is also assessed on the basis of household income.
The geographic area covered for Study, included Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Netherlands, Poland, Spain and Sweden. The most popular destination for students were Spain with 27.8% of students choosing partners in this location, accounting for 10 out of the 36. This location is popular, English language programmes are taught which is key and there are few students that are keen to undertake a mobility in another language that isn't English or their mother-tongue. The most popular subjects that tend to undertake mobility currently include Business & Administration, Travel, Tourism & Leisure, Journalism & Reporting and the Arts. All of these subjects were taken at Undergraduate level and for credit. The gender split with study was 19 females to 17 males.
The geographic area for traineeships was varied with each student selecting and securing a different location. These included Cyprus, Germany, France, Greece, Latvia and Spain. Students secured placements in part with their own research and networking skills and others by seeking to locate a placement with support from advertised sights and academics contacts. The gender split with traineeships was 4 male to 2 females. The types of roles that students undertook included Assistant to CEO and working in the Real Estate Department.
The results and impact were that all students who engaged with the programme managed to achieve an international experience. The students that undertook student traineeships stated that in the main they could easily imagine themselves working abroad in the future. As part of a wider consideration of impact, we will be reviewing the destinations and occupations that students secure post-graduation to further manage and measure impact.
Staff Mobility
Of the mobilities undertaken, the largest proportion were teaching periods seeing 9 being undertaken versus 3 training places. Teaching was taken for an average of 6 days and training was an average of 5 days. The gender split can be seen where males staff predominate with 7 males to 1 female and the training was 2 females to 1 male. Teaching subjects include Business, Computing and Music.