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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

PROJECT OUTLINE The data related to mobility is: Programme: Erasmus+ Key action: KA1 – Learning Mobility of Individuals Activity Type: KA103 – Higher education student staff mobility Year: 2014 Recipient: Instituto de Educación Secundaria Urbano Lugrís (Urbano Lugrís High School) Project starting Date: 01/06/2014 Project Finishing DateÇ: 301/05/2016 Project Period (months) 24 The mobility aims at the Certificate of Higher Education students and recent graduates IES Urbano Lugris offers these certificates of higher education: • Certificate of Higher Education in Electrotechnical and Automation Systems • Certificate of Higher Education in Automation and industrial Robotics Systems • Certificate of Higher Education in Electronic Maintenance • Certificate of Higher Education in Telecommunication and IT Systems The general objectives aimed with this project are the improvement, modernisation and internationalisation of the educative offer in our centre, as well as promote and strengthen an educative offer of quality in higher education. These objectives can be summarised in: • Completing the expertise of beneficiaries with professional training, promoting the exchange of the existing techniques and processes in the different countries • Contributing to the adaptation of the students to the labour market at community level, acquiring specific abilities and improving their understanding of the economic environment in the host country as well as acquiring working experience • Improving the foreign languages competences and promoting the intercultural awareness • Improving the educative offer of the centre Two students of the Certificate of Higher Education in Automation and industrial Robotics Systems enjoyed the mobility to carry out some training practice in Germany and Italy during a total period of 4 months and 18 days The obtained results have been very positive both at an individual level for those students who enjoyed the mobility and for the centre, and we can summarise them in: • Employability increase and improvement of the professional perspectives • Improvement of the self-empowerment and self-esteem • Improvement in the foreign language competence • Rising intercultural awareness • More active participation in society • More awareness of European project and the EU values • More motivation to take part in the education or future formation (formal/ non formal) after the mobility period abroad • Improvement of the professional competences by means of an internship • More level to operate at an EU / international level, improving the management skills and the internationalization strategies • More quality in the preparation, execution, supervision and monitoring of the EU / international projects • Better qualifications of the teaching and training staff, better recognition process and validation of the acquired competences during the learning periods abroad • Creation of a more modern, dynamic, committed and professional environment in the organization • Increased interest of the students in the European programmes
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