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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

At Fontys, internationalisation is not a stand-alone concept, but it contributes to the quality of education and research. The objective of the international activities conducted by Fontys is to advance the international and intercultural competences of students and staff members, to integrate internationalisation into the curricula and to advance the reputation of Fontys as a leading University of Applied Sciences. The Erasmus+ project 2014-2016 is a very important part of this objective with which we hope to achieve: - Increasing numbers of students and staff going abroad for study, internships, teaching and/or training - Increasing numbers of international students and staff coming to Fontys to study and teach - Qualitative partnerships with other European Universities and/or organisations Fontys is a university with over 44.000 students and 4.300 staff members and is still growing. At the same time we are also a very decentralised university with 29 Fontys Schools spread all over the South of the Netherlands, which means we are always looking for best ways to collaborate and work on the objectives together. Fontys has an Office for Internationalisation with a team of people working on Erasmus+ KA1. There is a close collaboration with the 29 Fontys Schools, which all have their own assigned Coordinator Internationalisation for study abroad and staff mobility besides Internship Coordinators that take care of the internships abroad for students. There are central responsibilities and responsibilities assigned to the Fontys Institutes. Central responsibilities: - Inform all students and staff about the possibilities of Erasmus+ - Inform all Coordinators Internationalisation and Internship Coordinators about the rules and regulations of Erasmus+ - Determining the policy of granting the scholarships for students and staff and communicate this in a transparant way - Be the responsible party of this project in terms of budget and administration - Provide the right tools to all students and staff to register and take part in the project - Coordinate with our Fontys wide-partners Fontys Schools' responsibilities: - Inform all students and staff about the possibilities of Erasmus+ - Be the first contact of students and staff in terms of questions, doubts, forms to be signed/uploaded, etc. - Coordinate with the Fontys School partner universities and organisations The results are clear, as numbers in terms of incoming and outgoing students and staff members are increasing and the quality of partnerships is being screened. We ensure the quality through a quality framework that has been developed. We try to be selective in starting new partnerships and we are also looking into extending existing good partnerships instead of trying to increase the numbers. Concerning traineeships we want them to be of high quality and databases of high quality companies regarding traineeships, based on experiences of “good practice”, are being maintained: Satisfaction of students concerning their experience abroad in general scores 92,17% for outbound students and 94,07% for inbound students, which is a very good score. Longer term benefits are: - Graduates that will find a job faster because they are mofe employable and better prepared for the labour market - Staff that will better understand the need of obtaining international and intercultural competences and will be able to use those competences when teaching and guiding our students to be global citizens as well. This will also add to their job satisfaction. - A more international and intercultural environment at Fontys by having international students and staff on campus and in the classrooms, which increases possibilities of internationalisation@home even further and will put Fontys more visible on the international map.
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