Search for European Projects

Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

IES Comercio School in Logroño (La Rioja) has a great tradition in European programmes. Having a long history in the field of vocational training, it has been serving companies in the area of La Rioja since 1942. Due to the experience gained through the Leonardo Da Vinci and Erasmus programmes, and the benefits obtained for the school, the students and the business sector in the area, we are encoureged to continue with the Erasmus + programme. Our basic approach is an agreement with other schools from different European countries so that our partner schools look for companies where our students will do their internship. They also help with searching accomodation for students, providing language assistance and cultural and human relationship. These are the same issues that our school cares for the students who come from our partenaire schools. The objectives that we want to achieve focus on the following concepts: 1. Students learn, observe how the work is done in another country; they get to know different techniques, collaborate with companies in the country of destination and finally obtain the credits required for their High Level Vocational Degree. 2. Another very important aspect is that they adquire the concept of European culture and Eropean identity. Students make important human relationships with friends and families, and establish a link in terms of equality between people and countries. 3. The partnership allows us to know the different forms of educational performance in different countries. Visiting the countries, listening to the explanations about how they interact in different school, allow us to improve oru educational performances. Our region, (La Rioja),for example, is working hard on the implementation of the German Dual System. IES Comercio School students enrolled in the European programmes are young people who, on average, are 21 year old, both male and female depending on the type of study performed; they belong to middle, lower-middle income families. They are usually highly motivated students and eager to participate in the European programmes. We usually get twenty applications to participate in the programme. The selection of the number of students depends on the number of grants awarded. In 2014 we were granted six student mobilities. Finally they were reduced to four mobilities, since two of our partenaire schools had, for the first time, problems finding suitable companies for two of our students. We have requested time extension to 24 months and have included a new student with Zero Grant Students who have completed the Erasmus Programme have added great value to their curriculum vitae and it is a big advantage for their employability.

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