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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Through the globalisation of business and industry and the labour market citizens, institutions, organizations and companies are increasingly confronted with international and intercultural dimensions, e.g. through contacts in emerging markets, international trade and cooperation, outsourcing and the need for talented employees. Zuyd’s education and research activities are therefore adapted to this international context. It is our duty to prepare our students (the professionals of the future) for this development by providing them with international and intercultural competencies, knowledge of foreign countries and markets and foreign language training. In their professional careers, graduates of Zuyd increasingly encounter international developments that exceed the borders of Europe. The knowledge of languages and cultures of other regions gained by means of study abroad programmes, work placements and international projects enables Zuyd to link the Dutch Province of Limburg and the Euregion Meuse-Rhine to the world. Our management and business programmes, but also study programmes in the areas of health care and technology and engineering play a specific role in the development of our region. As such, internationalisation of education and research is a tool to realize Zuyd’s mission by its impact on the social-economic development of our region and the sustainable development of professions. Internationalisation contributes to the quality of education and research at Zuyd University of Applied Sciences, e.g. through international cooperation, knowledge exchange and benchmarking. By increasing the international and intercultural competencies of our students and staff and by recruiting and binding talented international students, Zuyd contributes to the development of professions and professionals and the sustainable development of our region. Through its central location at the heart of Europe (in the Euregion Meuse-Rhine) Zuyd can establish links for this region with other parts of Europe and the world, for the benefit of students, staff and external stakeholders. Through the international focus of our study programmes, students can be prepared for the international labour market in a globalising world. Zuyd therefore recognizes the importance of border-crossing cooperation. As such, Zuyd aims at an international recognition as an institution that is oriented on the European standards of professional practice and quality standards. The presence of international students contributes to the international and intercultural competencies of our students and staff. Staff mobility provides staff with the opportunity to share best practices with partners and/or to gain an extra insight into policies and implementation. Faculties with a strong international focus (e.g. International Business, European Studies, Hotel management, etc.) have mandatory study abroad periods. For this reason many students at Zuyd University of Applied Sciences request funds by applying for an Erasmus scholarship so they are able to study or follow a traineeship abroad. Even though the total number of Zuyd students applying for an Erasmus scholarship has increased we have however recently noticed a shift in the focus area; a slight decrease in exchange and an increase for traineeships.
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