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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The International University of La Rioja (UNIR) was born in the 2008-2009 academic year as an online private university, seeking to offer an education solution adapted to the demands of today's society and with the main mission of providing a comprehensive and quality training to students and meet the expectations and needs of the various interest groups (teachers, researchers, administration and services staff...). Seeking such comprehensive training in the skills demanded by today's society and having requested and received the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE) the previous year, UNIR starts its first Erasmus mobility project in the 2014/2015 period, coinciding with the implementation of a new Erasmus + program. Despite being a new University (2009) and the important determinant of our distance or virtual nature, UNIR launches its mobility plan, centered on Key Action 1 (KA1). The general objectives pursued are: - Ensure our international presence within the European Higher Education Area. - Strengthen and broaden our avenues of research and cooperation between institutions in the field of the European Union and above all. - Improve the academic offer and training for students (and teachers and staff in UNIR) to improve their educational and training skills and employability. Achieving these goals seeks to materialize the objectives once our first aid application Erasmus+ for the KA103 action is approved. This request, processed for the first time in our institution without precedent or references of previous mobility for such action has resulted in the signing of the Grant Agreement No. 2014-1-ES01-KA103-000524. The awarded total number of grants was 31: The first Erasmus + call that UNIR offered corresponded to the Traineeship modality (Student Mobility for Traineeship- SMT). The main destinations of the students were the United Kingdom, Czech Republic and Germany, followed by France, Bulgaria, Romania, France, Italy and Malta. Regarding their origin according to the degree they study, we intend to cover as many different academic areas as possible, so we have 4 students from the Degree in Communication and one from Marketing, a student from the Degree in Social Work and 2 belonging to the Degree in Early Childhood Education, one in the Master in Psychopedagogy and one from Secondary Education, 3 belonging to the Master in Practice of Law and within the area of the School of Engineering, 2 students from the Master in Technological Projects Management and the Master in User Experience. All students have completed their traineeships under the learning agreements (Training Agreement) signed by all parties (student, UNIR and center) prior to the completion of the stay. The agreements have been reviewed and agreed by the three parties, and in the case of UNIR, always with the guarantee of the academic approval of Erasmus + managers and coordinators of the degree to which the beneficiary of the grant belongs. Regarding mobilities aimed at teaching, a total of 13 teachers have benefited from the Erasmus + grant for the development of short-term stays (STA) in higher education institutions of the European Union with which we had signed an agreement. Of the total, 5 belong to the Faculty of Social Sciences and Law, 2 to Humanities and 6 to the Faculty of Education. Destinations, as it occurs with the training stays for the staff, have been chosen on the basis of inter-institutional agreement earlier signed between UNIR and the appropriate institution of higher education, where the duties and responsibilities of the parties, the field of the agreement and the quality guarantees necessary for the proper development of stay are specified. In this first call, the chosen destinations were as follows: • Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, Portugal (4) • Instituto Politécnico de Coimbra, Portugal (4) • Universitatea Politehnica Timisoara, Romania (2) • Anoikto Panepistimio Kyprou/Open University of Cyprus, Cyprus (1) • Universitatea Tehnica de Constructii Bucuresti, Romania (1) • École Des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, France (1) Finally, regarding training grants (STT), 3 scholarships for university staff for stays of five days were granted. Regarding the results and impact of the project, its aim has been to help the participants, especially our students, to acquire more technical skills and improve the development of social, personal and linguistic skills. We hope that the experience has a decisive influence on their CV and their professional lives in short and medium term. Finally it is expected that the project will strengthen relations between the partners and companies to continue working on future projects, on mobility and other actions of the program.
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