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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Erasmus+ programm is important in addition to the main activities of the International Office of TU Kampen. Our project has started with an ambitious plan of several exchanges on annual basis. However it seems that challenges for our students mainly can be found outside Europe (outbound participants). On the contrary we are a relevant institution for European theology students, especially for East European students (inbound participants). We have downward adjusted the number of exchanges to just a few exchanges, although it is still hard to predict the number of exchanges. International studies become more and more important (in 2015 we started a new international master MIRT) and last year we broaden our international contacts including new Erasmus partners. The undertaken exchanges of Call 2014 were assessed positively. With our new Erasmus partners we expect a positive trend for the near future.

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