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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our Institution had already participated previously during several years in European Programmes such as Leonardo da Vinci and Erasmus in the frame of projects organised by the Consejeria de Educación of the Regional Government of the Balearic Islands. Our objective was to offer to our students of Higher Vocational Education Training the possibility of doing workplacements in companies of other countries of the European Union. Furthermore, our Institution has also participated in programmes like Comenius and European Sections. The Project applied for our Institution wants to give to or students of higher Vocational Education Training the chance to do a workplacement in companies of other countries of the European Union. This workplacement is part of their official studies and is included in the On-the-Job Training module, that is a compulsory subject in all the Formative Cicles imparted in our School. We believe that this possibility is very important and enriching for the students, because allows them to know other ways of working in companies from other countries, to cope with an alien environment and to improve their Language level. All these aspects are fundamental in a place like ours, where the main industry is tourism and where live people from all over the world. Furthermore, we also pursue to offer to the academic staff of higher Vocational Education Training the chance to attend courses in other countries of the European Union. We consider that the knowledge of new skills, to meet foreign teachers and other groups of foreign people gives a lot of information and can have positive repercussions in the Quality of our teaching activity, because the knowledge acquired by the teachers that attended courses can be extended to the rest of academic staff. We applied for the project in the frame of the 2014 call directly to our National Agency, to the Institution nowadays called in Spain SEPIE. It was signed by our Institution on 26/09/2014 and by the National Agency on 6/10/2014. At the beginning we applied for a 16 months project that we were awarded with. The project had three mobilities for students for practices and one mobility for teachers for training Then it was an amendment to the project after the intermediate report, where we comunicated that we would only do a mobility for students. It was signed for our Institution on 28/09/2015. Then it was considered necessary to extend it to 24 months in order to have more time to develop the planned mobilities and a second amendment was signed by our Institution on 5/10/2015. To be able to do the mobilities, agreements were signed between the participants and our Institution and Training agreements were made with the hosting Institutions. One student of the formative cicle Higher Technician in Administration and Finances developed a two months workplacement in a company of Wales, United Kingdom. A teacher of the Department of the Professioal Family of Administration developed a training mobility of five days duration in Czech Republic. In both mobilities the Language used was English, and that allows in both cases to improve the linguistic skills of the participants. We consider that the results have been satisfactory in both cases. The partitipation in the project allows students to improve their professional qualification and to improve the capacitation of teachers. This make easier to the students to find a job and improve the tasks of the teachers.
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