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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

ESAD MALAGA is a modern and innovative Center, a pioneer in Spain in the development of specialized theatrical training. It is a public institution in a cosmopolitan city, so internationalization process acquires special importance. In 2007 began its participation in the Erasmus Program and in 2014 It was awarded the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education, beginning a new cycle in which new activities were implemented under the Program, actions to enhance the quality of them were established, and efforts were made to more systematically integrate mobility for study as a possibility present in the student curriculum choice, as well as mobility for work placements for students recently qualified as an ideal complement to studies with which to acquire skills and professional, organizational, social and language skills to facilitate their integration into the working world and immerse them in a lifelong learning process, of which they are mindful and which should remain for life. International experience is essential. Therefore we encourage participation in exchange programs and we offer an attractive and internationally open Center. In this sense the Key Action 1 of the Erasmus+ Program contributes to achieving our goals of internationalization, as defined in our Erasmus Policy Statement. We seek to prepare students for career development in a context of globalization. Therefore we provide an academic development based on a wide range of knowledge, skills and competences directeded to employability and personal development as active citizens, respectful of intercultural values, democratic and fundamental rights and the environment. We want to promote, support and enhance international mobility. Contributing to the objectives of the Europe 2020 strategy and its flagship initiative "Youth on the move". So we encourage our students to study abroad under the Erasmus+ Program and by aspiring to approach the 20% student mobility target by 2020. We pursue the development of an international network that diversifies the educational offer, establishing synergies that enable through ICT access to diverse materials as well as observing other working models and best practices that foster innovation and entrepreneurship. And enhance the tutorial support of our students during a period of mobility by using virtual platforms. This project has included student mobilitiy for studies, student mobility for traineeships and staff mobility for training. There have been nine outgoing mobilities, eight for students and one for staff. 55.6% of them were made by women and 45.4% for males. The average duration of the students was four months and nine days, the staff lasted five days. Of the five participants in mobility for studies two of them had unfavorable economic situation. MALAGA ESAD ensured that the principles enunciated in the ECHE have been respected before, during and after activities. We have supported in preparation of outgoing mobilities and monitoring and support was offered during and after its completion. We also offered support to incoming participants, their quick integration was facilitated by providing support during and, if necessary, after their return to the home institution. ESAD MALAGA is well assured that all documentation is supplied in the due form and time, and guaranteed at all times equal treatment, the right to use the facilities of all participants and recognition of activities realized in the host institutions. With this project ESAD MALAGA increases mobility of students and recover staff mobility. It has also implemented the mobility of graduates for traineeships, we hope to increase them as a step closer to reaching the student mobility target by 2020. Participants have acquired specific transversal competences improving their personal development and skills for employment and especially in foreign languages. Our cooperation with other international institutions has been improved, not only with the partner institutions, but also with enterprises through the student mobility for traineeships. We are currently working to activate a digital platform that serves as a meeting point for those interested in our International Relations, cross-border mobility, personal experiences of the participants, etc. and at the same time will be used to increase international visibility of ESAD MALAGA, its activity and especially to disseminate the results of the Erasmus+ Program.
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