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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

OSCUS Seville Center has completed the Project 2014-1-ES01-KA103-000532, which was based on their Globalization Plan for Vocational Training. The main objective was for Superior Degree students of Vocational Training to improve their professional, personal and linguistic competences in a multicultural environment. In addition, the project was implemented for students to expand their knowledge and experience in a different country. With the intention to train students into the best professionals, OSCUS has offered their Superior Degree students the opportunity to do their internship and post-study work in a different country within the European Union. The countries that have participated in the project were Portugal, United Kingdom, Italy, France and Malta. The objective group was formed by 13 students all of which were students of Superior Degree: Administration and Finances, Personal Image Consultancy, Pre-School Education, Aesthetics and Healthcare Administration. The specific needs for training the participants for their internship in a real company are very diverse. The Project is concentrated among five specialties in Vocational Training at the level of Intermediate Degree. Although there are a number of common necessities that do exist among all participants: -Low Self-Esteem and motivation. -Lack of Work Experience. -Little personal experience in other foreign countries and knowledge of other cultures. -Low linguistics competences in a second language. -Lack of Information Technology Knowledge. -Lack of awareness of other productive systems and organizations of their professional sector and new ways or methods of working. The mobility scholarships took place from September 2014 to December 2015, during three different periods of time: -September-December 2014: 2 mobilities. -Marzo-Junio 2015: 6 mobilities. -September-December 2015: 5 mobilities. The plan of activities is divided into three phases: 1. Initial phase for mobility: Inauguration and information to students; motivate possible candidates; candidate selection; informative meeting; search for companies in the country of destination according to the candidate’s professional profile; language and cultural training; work-study written agreements preparation, informative itineraries, CV, organization of the mobility logistics. 2. Phase of mobility: Informative meeting, Journey to destinations, follow-up with students and resolve any incidences. 3. Evaluation and dissemination period: meeting with the participants upon their return to analyze the results and impacts; evaluation of the professional insertion in companies, global assessment of the Project and realization of final reference report and financial receipts; closing ceremony, presentation of end results. OSCUS center will integrate its future developmental strategy with the competences and the acquired experiences from the participants in the Project, through three fundamental concepts: -Participating students in the Project: Once students have completed their academic training in a foreign country they will have acquired some professional, personal, social and linguistics competences that will differentiate them from other candidates in their work force. As well, students will return to the center to inform the students and teachers about their lived experiences and awake the attention to a global community. -School Personnel: The development of this Project, permits the personnel of the center to expand their international interest and learn about different educational global projects. As well, utilize new instruments to monitor and track a student’s process and a new way to evaluate the work-study period of students. All of which is a personal and professional enrichment that permits the improvement the quality of their educational work. -Educational Center: The development of this present Project, promotes the relations between OSCUS with other educational centers and companies throughout an international environment. As well, it helps the center learn about other educational systems, other production systems and enables the center to establish international cooperative agreements that enables the development of future projects directed towards the institution’s globalization.
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