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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

MU has been participating in the Erasmus Programme since 1999 (since 2002 as the Medical University of Lodz). The Policy of the MU is, as it is stated in our European Policy Statement "concerning the acquiring of partner universities is focused on creating the widest choice of mobility for students and staff and is compatible with the development strategy of the University for 2011-2020, which emphasizes the internationalization of the university as an essential part of its modernization and adaptation to the changing reality of Europe and the world." The quality goals of the project KA103 2014 carried out by UM were to ensure the best possible conditions for the implementation of the mobility of students, academics and staff of UM and partner universities, by: - Increasing their competence and skills, with particular emphasis on their importance for the labor market, especially for placement mobilities and staff training mobilities - ensuring the improvement of foreign language skills - enabling the functioning within the international environment -development of the process of the internationalization of university Quantitative aims set out in the Grant Agreement No. 2014-1-PL1-KA03-000486 dated August 14, 2014 were exceeded. According to The agreement of 14 August 2014, UM was required to achieve 72 mobilities: 32 (192 months) mobilities for studies, 26 (78 months) mobilities for placements , 2 (10 days) mobilities for teachers to conduct classes and 12 (60 days) staff traineeship mobilities. Thanks to the additional donations from the Foundation for the Development of the Education System additional funds (signed 2 Annexes to the financial agreement), UM was able to complete 135 mobilities: 37 mobilities for studies, 76 mobilities for placements, 1 teaching mobility to conduct classes and 21 staff mobility for training purposes. The biggest increase in mobility, compared to the previous years took place for placements mobilities. - more than twice. In 2014/2015 year 135 participants ( for the first time also graduates) took part in the mobility within the 2014-1-PL1-KA03-000486 project.The outgoing students included 2 students from underprivileged groups (PO WER Program). With the accordance to the requirements of the Erasmus + Program, all students had completed at least first year of the first degree at the inception of mobility. 37 students, including 21 women and 16 men went to the partner universities to study. Most of them were from Faculty of Medicine, Military Medical Faculty and Faculty of Pharmacy.The main destinations have been: Spain, Germany and Italy. 76 students, including 50 women and 26 men took part in mobility for work placement. Most of them were from Faculty of Medicine and Military Medical Faculty. The main destinations have been: Spain, Germany, Portugal, Croatia and Italy. All of our students have completed their stay at the partner universities. Most of them having acquired more than 70 % the ECTS points that were required of them according to a previously agreed upon Learning Agreement. MU hosted 26 incoming students from partner universities. They had the opportunity to study medicine and dentistry in English. They came from a different countries such as Lithuania, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Germany, Portugal, France, Spain, Italy. They received exceptional support from International Relations Office, which coordinates all administrative matters concerning incoming students. All the incoming students received the Transcript of Record within the 5 weeks after the mobility. 21 staff members, including 10 women and 11 men benefited from staff traineeship mobility in the 2014/2015 year. All the students who have participated in the mobility period received recognition of their achievements gained abroad. Mobilities performed by the university staff members were included in their yearly evaluation of their performance. All outgoing students and staff who take part in one of Erasmus activities are granted the funding throughout their periods abroad. All participants who took part in the Erasmus + project benefited in many ways. By participating in the exchange programme the students had the opportunity to get to know other culture , meet people from all over the world, get to know other study programmes, gain experiences throughout work in foreign institutions. This will positively influence their personal careers and lifes. This will allow them to become more complete human being ready to cope with upcoming challenges of the changing professional environment.
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