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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This year?s project was the first under the new Erasmus+ programme, and came in at a time when the previous Institutional Coordinator was relinquishing his role to another member of University staff new to Erasmus. No clear objectives other than to maintain current numbers had been set for 2014/2015, but the new Institutional Coordinator has been tasked with growing the number of active Erasmus+ partners in order to increase the number of outward student and staff mobilities for the long-term and to improve the student experience and employment prospects of our students. Up until this year, there had been no central management and promotion of Erasmus+. All activities were handled by the University?s individual Schools, with the previous Institutional Coordinator responsible for reporting back to the National Agency and for signing new bilateral agreements. With the appointment of the new Institutional Coordinator new systems have been put in place not only to give more support to the Schools in their activities, but also to have an oversight of all activities and mobilities in a better attempt to both promote Erasmus+ to students, and to be able to report back to the National Agency. A total overhaul of internal paper systems has taken place, with many being redraft or even created, such as a dedicated application form for incoming Erasmus+ students. The majority of outgoing participants were from the University?s Business School, which by the nature of their programmes, has always provided the vast majority of exchange students. Some of them were Finnish nationals, studying full time at Lincoln, wishing to spend their Erasmus+ year back in their home country. There were outgoing students for the very first time to some of our partners as well as increased staff mobility. The breakdown of student mobility is as follows: 21 outgoing students on study placements, of which 9 were of Finnish nationality 4 outgoing students on traineeships, of which 2 were at partner institutions undertaking research The majority of outward mobility were study placements with only 4 students participating in traineeships, of which 2 students undertook traineeships at commercial companies, whilst the other 2 undertook research traineeships at a partner University. Subject areas for outward study placements and traineeships were Biotechnology (2), Events Management (1), Fine Art (2), Design (1), International Business Management (7), International Tourism Management (10), Journalism (1), and International Relations (1). The new Institutional Coordinator has put in place measures in order to collate feedback from the returning outgoing students, such as providing testimonials or helping to promote Erasmus+ to the next cohort. Feedback would suggest that not only have the students benefited enormously on a personal level, but that they are starting to see positive feedback from potential employees with regard to them having a study period abroad, all of which fits nicely with the University's strategy to improve student experience and employability. Feedback from staff mobility has also been positive, with some academics returning with new ideas to implement into their teaching at their home institution, having experienced new pedagogic methods at their host institution. Some staff mobility has also contributed to new collaborative research, which also fits in nicely with the University's ambitious research strategy.
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