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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The University of Hull has a variety of four year programmes which have a compulsory year or semester abroad. The exchanges programmes were running in the University within the Utrecht network see before the Erasmus programme came into existence so student mobility and exchange have been a part of student life at the University since the late 1970's early 1980's. Students would not be able to afford to take part in some of the mobility activities without this top up funding via Erasmus. The University of Hull's outward bound objectives, which to increase numbers of Erasmus mobility students has increased over the past 5 years from 73 to 135 (55% increase). Note this is purely the number of students who are Erasmus funded and not the number of actual student who undertake mobility. So we believe we are meeting our objectives and will continue with this to help with EU targets of a 25% increase in mobility by 2020. The University of Hull has a strategy and several major projects for example C2016+ which is a full review of the Curriculum which will be completed in 2017 which will give a more flexible curriculum, embedded mobility and an opportunity for all students to take part, either working, studying or virtual or short mobility programmes for all cycles. The other projects that have had an impact on our student journey and student experience projects. Staff and student mobility is now high profile and because of the effect of these two projects, the University Study Abroad and Exchange Unit decided to rebrand and is now Go Connect. Go Connect has reviewed all the publications for outward bound students and the web pages to make mobility more user friendly. Go Connect is meeting its objectives which are to promote mobility before studies to take place by attending our 10 open days. Promoting mobility by attending the week long Fresher's fayre and holding a variety of sessions for students in the 1st few weeks of term. Go Connect also looks at intercultural activities, and currently coordinates arrivals and welcome events for all students. The project results for outgoing mobility show for incoming students shows that Go Connect's activities has an impact on how students view the University services provided. The profile of participants is currently limited to 1st cycle students, although cycle 2 and 3 students are increasing slowly and those departments who have Erasmus or other study abroad partnerships and are predominately Hull Business School (HUBS), Languages, Law, Politics and Humanities. This is why the statistics from the project show that most of our students go to France, Germany Spain and Italy. This profile will change substantially over the length of the current EHIC, and should show a high increase in European Erasmus partnerships within Education, Drama and Psychology and an increase of outward bound students. The University has coordinated summer programmes, full statistics are difficult to capture but with the move on system ready for use in 15-16 for logging the outward bound students this issue may be solved in due course. There has been summer programmes set up by the International Office and group visits which have specifically targeted widening participation and disadvantaged students for example a credit bearing summer school with 20 students which took place in Aarhus University during summer of 2015, plus 70 students outbound from HUBS to European and Worldwide destinations. Incoming summer programmes are also run in HUBS and there are 3/4 week English Language proficiency programmes running which incoming students can apply for. There is also a professional English programme running during the summer which is part funded by the Utrecht Network. This has been very successful for the past 2 years with 10 research staff members from partner institutions being funded to take part under the Erasmus mobility. The impact of the project helped with the promotion within our faculties on mobility and the opportunities available to them and knowledge of the Erasmus funding, not only action 1 but for Strategic Partnerships. The University will be looking to apply for International Credit funding for a variety of locations in 2015-16 particularly in Latin America (HUBS Summer and Winter schools). Americans (compulsory year abroad American Studies) and China as we now have a 4 year compulsory programme. On a longer term basis, as the University of Hull is a partner for City of Culture 2017 discussions will take place on whether Erasmus placement students could be used to help with the 365 events that will take place in the city during the project years of 2016-17 and 2017-18. This will benefit our partners institution students, which in turn would benefit our outward bound students who may be able to take advantage of placements run by our established educational partners. Overall the project was successful in 14-15
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