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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Context, Aims of the Project In 2013 the Northern Regional College applied for, and was successful in attaining an Erasmus Charter for Higher Education. Achievement of the ECHE was the first step in meeting the college?s strategic vision for developing relationships and partnerships with Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in partner countries. The college?s stated Erasmus Strategy in the context of the Lifelong Learning Programme (2014-20) ?is to strengthen its European links and broaden the range of Erasmus activities available to our staff and students.? Underpinning this strategy the college identified five key objectives. 1. To undertake staff mobility visits to HEIs in partner countries thereby underpinning bi-lateral relationships and serve as a starting point for the further development of multi-lateral projects. 2. To develop HEI partnerships for the exchange information and professional experience on teaching and learning systems. 3. To develop new HE programmes which promote a study period abroad and increase the numbers of students participating. 4. To provide for overseas internships for HE students and enable HE students from partner HEIs to undertake internships in Northern Ireland. 5. To form new HE partnerships for the delivery of joint Short Cycle and 1st Cycle degrees. Types of Participants and Activities The Erasmus co-ordinator worked closely with the college Higher Education Committee (HEC) to rollout this ambitious seven year plan. The HEC recognised that a start point on this journey was staff mobility visits to partner/potential partner HEIs. In the 2014 Erasmus+ application call the college secured funding through a Key Action 1 to enable 10 HE staff members to undertake a staff mobility for training between programme countries. In selecting staff to participate in the mobility the HEC outlined the following criteria: 1. Teach extensively on the colleges HE provision 2. Teach in a STEM (Science, Technology Engineering or Maths) related subject 3. Willing to foster partnerships with HEIs with a view to developing projects for the exchange information and professional experience on teaching and learning systems, student internships and short cycle degree modules Following an application and selection process 10 members of staff were selected to undertake an Erasmus Staff mobility for training between programme countries. (Minimum two days excluding travel) Participant Activities Nine HE academics (engineering, computer science, build technology) participated in a HE Mobility visit for training to the following six HEIs. 1. Institut Superieur de Plasturgie d'Alencon, France to develop new partnership in polymer materials and plastics. 2. Institutuo de Maquina Herramienta (IMH), Spain to build on existing VET partnership in Automation and robotics and to jointly work with other country partners to develop HE strategic partnerships (KA2) projects. 3. Reserve visit to Centro de Formacion Profesional Daniel Castelao, Spain to build on existing VET partnership to develop joint HE modules in electronics and to jointly work with other country partners to develop HE strategic partnerships (KA2) projects. 4. KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden to investigate new partnership to develop joint HE modules in computing to include multimodal interaction and interfaces, human perception of applications. 5. VIA University College, Denmark to develop new partnership creating new pedagogy in innovative building technology and staff/student exchange programmes. 6. Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design, Hungary to develop new partnership exploring how to exploit virtual learning material in the fields of animation and explore staff and student exchange programmes. Results and Impact Attained In total nine out of the 10 planned HE Staff mobilities for training took place. Visit reports were completed by nine staff who visited six HEIs. Learning during the visit was recorded and commitments made were drawn up as action points between the two HEIs. Partnership work has continued and additional project proposals are being draw up. This KA1 project is the first project undertaken through the College ECHE and represents a start in developing programmes for HE staff and students. The immediate impact of this KA1 project is increased continuous professional development, higher motivation to innovate new teaching methods and develop new HE modules and courses in computer science, build technology and advanced engineering. Longer Term Benefits Inbound and outbound staff and student mobility will contribute to the college commitment to widening access and participation for HE students.
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