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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

To improve the quality and to increase the volume of student and teaching staff mobility throughout Europe. To contribute to the overall strategy of the University in Students undertaking a global experience. UCLan is actively promoting opportunities for students to study abroad and especially through ERASMUS. ERASMUS is promoted through open days, event days, intranet, leaflets, brochures,website and promotional video showcasing students experiences. We also encourage incoming students to promote their University as an option for our students to study there and the benefits they will gain through this experience. We hold workshops (semester 1 and 2) We work with schools on promoting ERASMUS to students and staff, again highlighting to benefits to students and staff. We have pop up banners that are displayed at various locations throughout the campus. We also work with 'Futures' our career advice centre in promoting work placements opportunities through ERASMUS. We are currently working with our HR department to promote Internships for incoming students through ERASMUS. We run teaching mobility workshops to enable staff to attend and gain an understanding of how ERASMUS can benefit them and the University. We are currently working with schools to encourage non teaching staff to take up the traineeship as this is something that in the past we have not marketing enough. Staff are encouraged to look at creating valuable exchange programmes with universities that students can undertaken an exchange programme.

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