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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The University of La Rioja has a large experience at the international mobility projects management within the framework of Erasmus programme. At this juncture, the University of La Rioja prioritises the establishment of agreements among universities that offer attractive programmes for their students, it fosters mobility activities of all its collectives and it welcomes international students, teaching and reasearcher staff and administrative staff all over the world. As part of its strategic plan, internalisation is one of the key objectives of the University, being the programme Erasmus + one of the most important tools to achieve this goal. Thus, every year the number of students, professors and administrative staff carrying out an international mobility in the framework of the Erasmus Programme is bigger. The ultimate goal is that every member of the University Community requesting it may complete, at least, one international mobility during the academic year. The entry into force of the Programme Erasmus + in 2014, introduced important changes that had a significant impact in the mobility management of the University of La Rioja. At the 2014 call, the University of La Rioja received an initial grant from the Erasmus Programme, financing a total amount of 83 mobilities; 64 of these grants correspond to student mobility for studies (SMS); 5 Student mobility for traineeships (SMP); 8 staff mobility for teaching (STA) and 6 staff mobility for training. These data were significantly lower than the ones requested by the University of La Rioja which accounted for a total amount of 122 mobilities (80 SMS, 15 SMP, 12 STA and 15 STT). However, and with the aim of maintain and keep promoting the international mobility within the University Community, the University of La Rioja financed with own funds those mobilities which did not have funding from European funds or from the Ministry in the case of students with the programme Nonetheless, the number of declared mobilities in the interim report of the 2014 call, determined the signed of an amendment by which the University of La Rioja turn to receive funding for a total amount of 122 mobilities (91 SMS, 3 SMP, 15 STA and 13 STT). Finally, this mobility Project has achieve a total amount of 165 mobilities: - 121 Student mobility for studies, 32 of them received the complementary grant aimed to students with lower financial resources and 2 participants received an additional grant for special needs. - 4 Student mobility for traineeships, all of them as part of their education plan. - 21 Staff mobility for teaching - 19 Staff mobility for training (PAS/Service call homologated/Staff Weeks). The implementation of this project has had a significant impact in the initial allocation of funds for Erasmus mobilities between Programme Countries of the 2016 Call, enabling a bigger number of students, professors, and administrative staff from the University of La Rioja to benefit from the experience of attending the international mobility Programme, Eramus +.
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