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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project was about moblity of students and staff. The objectives were the following: 1) realizing the mobility of students and academic staff participating in the project. 2) expanding and deepening the institutional cooperation between WSB and European higher education institutions and oompanies. In 2014/15 there were 47 students applying for trainsheeps, and 38 for study mobility. After the recruitment process and within the budget we managed to carry out 21 trainsheeps and 20 study mobilities. As it comes to the study mobility the majority of students chose Western European countries such as Germany, Spain, or Portugal. In terms of trainsheeps the majority chose to go to Greece. In both cases most of the students were full time Bachelor's degree students. In terms of staff mobility we realized 17 mobilities in total including 5 admnistrative staff mobilities and 12 teaching staff mobilities. The staff chose such countries as Italy, Spain, Germany, Slovakia, Portugal and France. In order to realize the mobilities we undertake the following actions: - information meetings with students, - placing information on WSB's www, intranet and extranet, - mailing, - posts on Facebook, - developing clear mobility procedures. The results of the project: 1) for beneficiaries: enhancement of their knowledge, competency and social skills 2) for WSB: enforcing the inernationalization dimesnion, enhancement of teaching quality or improvement of administrative processes by implementing good practices from recieving institutions. For the mobilities to have an impact on WSB's community we took a dissemination course of action such as: publications in WSB's bulletins, webpage, placing information on WSB's intranet and extranet, meetings with Erasmus beneficiaries, staff meetings where Erasmus beneficiaries shared their experiences and observations, posts on ESN Facebook fanpage.

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