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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Matej Bel University considers the European Erasmus +, KA1, 103 a basic tool for sending and receiving students, trainees, teachers and staff on a foreign mobility. Mobility programme is implemented in accordance with the rules of the Erasmus + through various time-bound projects that have a university-wide character. At the MBU, all faculties are involved into these programmes including the employees of the other parts of the University that have the possibility to attend mobilities for staff. The background for the implementation of the programme is ensured through the institutional Erasmus+ office at MBU´s rectorate, which is managed by the institutional coordinator, the Vice-Rector for International Relations and Public Relations. The project aims to provide mobility to the largest possible number of participants while maintaining adequate motivating conditions for participating in mobility activities. It means providing support in the administrative processes associated with mobility, precise information service for participants, effective link to the study administration in terms of recognition of learning outcomes and academic administration information system etc. The strategy of selecting participants for mobility is a secondary process to provide a chance to go to foreign mobility also repeatedly, as far as possible, and thus promote the benefits of mobility for individuals and for the institution itself. The project for the mobility activities implemented within the Call 2014 (outgoing mobilities) featured 418 participants as a whole, including 190 students, 63 trainees (10 graduate trainees), 133 teachers and 32 employees. Mobility of students (SMS) were carried out in the length of 4.5 months (135 days), mobility of students for an internship (SMP) in the length of two months (60 days), staff mobility (STA) was in length from 3 to 5 days (+ 1 or 2 days for travel), staff mobility (STT) was in a length of 3-5 days (+ 1 or 2 days for travel). Mobility activities lead to 28 European countries. The most visited countries were Czech Republic, Poland, France and Spain. The quantitative targets set for the project in relation to the planned number of participants were met with the positive results. A great part was also dedicated to improving the qualitative aspects of the implementation of mobility. The project has an important impact on the implementation of the Strategy of Internationalization, as well as its continuous update in terms of progressive shaping of some of the objectives and perspectives of university activities in the field of international cooperation. Strategy of Internationalization is considered a key document in the field of international activities at Matej Bel University. In the long run the mobility project Erasmus +, KA1, 103 brought significant contribution to the development of cooperation with new partner institutions and it deepened synergies with the best partners. We perceive it as a basis for the development of cooperation in the field of study and research. An example of such long-term benefits is the creation of the joint study programme in cooperation of three partner universities, which originally started to cooperate during the implementation of student mobility exchanges (Katowice, Ostrava, Banská Bystrica – joint study programme Central European Historical Studies). To add up, it is the exchange of experience leading to the expansion of study options at MBU itself (concept and submission to accreditation process of the innovative curriculum of the Romance languages and inter-comprehension, which was set up by the know-how acquired in the cooperation with a Champagne-Ardennes University of Reims, France), or the formation of consortia projects under Erasmus +, H2020 and other foreign and domestic grant schemes.
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