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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Key Aim 4 of the GCU Global: Internationalisation Strategy is to grow student exchange activity. We aim to provide more opportunities for GCU students to study abroad and participate in summers schools with partner universities around the world and to grow the proportion of students participating in international exchanges to 5% of the home student population. In 14/15 we have been successful in increasing student Erasmus+ funded mobility by 18% which contributed to the 6.5% of home students who participated in international mobility, this is 1.5% above target. In the context of a reduction in funding the decision was taken to move staff funding to the student budget to ensure students were not disadvantaged and give the best possible chance to increase the student mobility numbers. This was successful, however, did mean we were unable to send as many staff members are we anticipated. As an institution with 35% of our undergraduate student intake from disadvantaged backgrounds we increased our activity to promote mobility opportunities to our enquirers and applicants. We promoted the opportunities to our articulation pathway students before they join us at GCU through our College Transition Team and specific Articulation Applicant days. This has proved successful and we are getting more enquiries from our articulating students. We would expect to see an increase in the number of articulating students participating in exchange in the coming years.
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