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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

University American College Skopje (UACS) is an international university which characterize the University as a 3 I generation of universities: - international staff, - international student body and - international curricula, textbooks and teaching materials. In addition, mobility of staff and students and cooperation with EU and non-EU universities are important elements of our institutional policy. Therefore, the objective of this Erasmus + project was, UACS to: 1) Provide opportunities for students, teachers and administration to undertake a learning/and or professional experience in another country; 2) Improve the level of their key competences and skills; 3) UACS students and staff to gain new international learning/working experience; 4) Improve the learning of languages; 5) Increase student's employability; 6) Provide opportunities for professors to exchange best practices and methods of teaching 7) Strengthen the cooperation between our university and our Erasmus partners. UACS was awarded an Erasmus + Charter in 2014. For the academic year 2014/15 we had in total five (5) participants for this project, who did two (2) types of Mobility. We had 3 participants (students) who did Student's Mobility and 2 participants (teacher and administrative staff) who did Staff Mobility for Teaching and Training. Three students completed the student's mobility at Aachen University of Applied Sciences. Two of them did one semester mobility at undergraduate studies, and 1 student followed courses at graduate level (master studies). The Staff Mobility for teaching and training was completed by one professor and one administrative staff member. They both went at the Universita' Degli Studi di Foggia in Foggia (Italy). The professor did an 8h teaching and the UACS administrative employer did a job-shadowing and training for one week at the International Office of the University. Although we are recent members of the Erasmus + network, in the period of one academic year (2014-2015) we undertook several steps aiming to promote and communicate the project's scope and benefits to all our students, academic and administrative staff in the best possible way. We presented the Erasmus + Project on many events organized by UACS and its six (6) schools, including: - for students: Orientation day, Erasmus + Caffe meeting, Freshman seminars, in-class promotions - for parents and students: Parents day - for academic and administrative staff: Academic Scientific Council's meetings, team-building etc. UACS students and staff were well informed about the project, it's benefits, objectives and implementation procedure. However, since this project was new for UACS, the interest for mobility and the confidence in the outcomes of the project needed time to mature. Therefore, although, we were granted with 22 possibilities for student's mobility in our application, we had only 3 participants, since students needed time to get familiar with the project. In general, UACS is very satisfied from the results achieved in this first year and more importantly from the impact attained, since we consider 2014/15 our "ice breaking" year. We continue to emphasize the numerous long-term benefits for our institution arising from this project as well the oportunities for the project's participants (students and staff) including: - Development of transversal skills which for sure will increase their employability on a domestic and international level; - Development of other employability skills such as: openness to and curiosity about new challenges, problem-solving and decision making skills, confidence, tolerance towards other nationalities, ethnic and religions groups, values and behaviors; - Improvement of foreign language proefficiency; - Improvement of their soft skills (ability to interact and work with individuals from different cultures, adaptability, communication skills) - International educational background. For UACS Institution and staff (academic and administrative): - The Erasmus + project is one of the most relevant educational strategic asset offered to our students; - Erasmus student mobility we consider it as the most important element of our strategy for internationalization, bringing substantial value to our international profile; - Mobile staff will have higher personality traits than non-mobile staff; - The staff mobility increases the knowledge of good practices and skills of the UACS staff which will only bring benefits to our University. - The Erasmus programme had a positive impact on the development of teaching methods and cooperation in research The long term beneficial effects will be recognized also through the teaching quality and through the multi-disciplinary and cross-organisational cooperation in teaching. Through the Erasmus possibility for Staff Mobility, UACS staff will expand it's network, will make new inter Institutional Agreements, research projects or any other joint projects.
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