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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This project under Erasmus+ Mobility of Students and Staff is of total duration 24 months and it has supported the mobilities of 165 people in total. We have implemented mobilities for studies and traineeships (incoming and outgoing) and staff mobilities for teaching and training (incoming and outgoing). Regarding the profile of the participants, all of them were in line with the criteria of the call, students in all 3 study cycles and academic and administrative staff of the University. The participants were chosen based on the principles of justice, equality, transparecy, integrity and cohesion. The project achieved its main numerical goals and at the same time, as indicated by the results of the Particpant's Final Reports, it has managed to achieve qualitive rsults. The most important success of the project is the 100% rise in Student Mobilities for Traineeships and the 200% rise in the Staff Mobility for Training participation. There were definately issues that had to be faced and improvement needs to be our priority, but the International Relations Office of the University of Piraeus has already taken into account the information and the experience from the implementation of this project in order to improve its services and the overall projects in the following academic years. The project resulted in the creation of the foundation for the University of Piraeus, as far as structural cultural aspects are concerned. Moreover there has been significant development in the human resources capacities of the personnel, in the international strategy of the University, in the filed of cooperation, in the field of organization, quality monitoring and innovation. In the longrun the project supported the creation of more attractive study programs and trainings for the develpoment of students and personnel and the adoption of new practices and methods in organizational management, as we exchanged good practices with organizations and Academic Instituions across Europe.
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