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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Jun 1, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences (hereinafter - LEU) has been successfully carrying out mobility activities related to the University students, teaching and administrative staff members. Due to the awareness of the importance of internationalisation and involvement in creating the image of an open to society and attractive university much attention was paid to the significance of international student mobility for studies and traineeship as well as to the staff mobility for teaching and training. In order to implement successfully the Requirements of Erasmus Charter for Higher Education Erasmus+ programme activities are conducted in line with the inner University Regulations confirmed by the Rector's order. LEU ECTS recognition policy acknowledges the achievements of both the incoming and outgoing students. The University offers high quality courses in English, provides the incoming students with a free-of-charge opportunity to make use of the University laboratories, libraries, sports hall, makes attempts to provide as good as possible access to the online data bases, offers courses of foreign languages for improvement the student's linguistic skills. LEU runs the Lithuanian language and culture course that helps the incoming students to integrate themselves into the academic community of LEU and makes their adaptation to the socio-cultural context of Lithuania easier. Orientations weeks and other different cultural events encouraging students' integration into the academic life of LEU are organised as well. 58 students arrived at LEU during the period of the project implementation. In contrast to the previous years the number of incoming students has increased significantly. The majority of incoming students were from Turkey, Czech Republic and Poland. Meanwhile, the number of LEU outgoing students was 104: 62 students left for studies and 42 students went for traineeship. It has to be emphasized that the number of applicants for traineeship has soared recently, there is a special interest shown in traineeship after studies. The most popular mobility destination happen to be institutions established in Italy, Czech Republic and Hungary. LEU students were encouraged actively to participate in Erasmus+ mobility programme during the Information Days that were held for the whole LEU community and the members of each faculty (there are 7 faculties at the University) separately. LEU students were invited to visit the International Relations Office and get aware of the opportunities provided by Erasmus+ programme during the Introductory Week to studies at LEU. During the latter event potential applicants learnt not only about the Applicant Selection Procedure, grants and the rules for their awards, but also listened to the impressions, pieces of advice and evaluations of the experienced mobility shared by those who have already participated in student mobility. The tradition of organizing informational events for the Faculty coordinators was continued, as it was done in the previous years, when all the necessary information on Erasmus+ programme was presented, opportunities and innovations discussed with those take care of students mobility for studies. The mobility participants appreciated the value of such measures and the information/experience gained during them was evaluated highly positively: more than 95 per cent of them were either satisfied or highly satisfied. LEU academic staff members were very active participants of Erasmus+ mobility programme. It has to be emphasized that the demand for teaching and training visits was 2 times higher than the number of visits provided. 46 University teachers participated in teaching visits as well as 50 teachers arrived at LEU from variuos partner institutions for teaching visits. Respectively, 22 LEU administrative staff members took the opportunity of mobility visits for training, and LEU welcomed 50 incoming staff members for training. The main areas of teaching covered by the incoming teachers remained to be very similar as in the previous years, i.e., Pedagogy, Foreign languages, Social Pedagogy. These areas are important for the students of LEU, further to it, they match the leading trends of research and studies at LEU. The most popular destinations LEU teachers paid teaching visits to were Poland, Czech Republic, Latvia and Turkey. If we compare the level of teachers' involvement into mobility among LEU faculties, the most active staff members were from the faculty of Education and Faculty of Philology. Having reviewed the data on incoming teachers it has to be marked that the majority of incoming teachers were from Poland, Latvia, Germany, their teaching visits were paid to the Faculties of Philology and Education. The students of LEU highly appreciate the opportunity to get acquainted with the course materials, new theoretical interpretations and innovative teaching methods.
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