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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In 2014-2015, 33 students went studying abroad. 75 students were being trained abroad. We hosted 110 Erasmus students In. 17 staff members went on teaching assignments and 15 on training mobility. 10 organisational support missions were conducted. Since 2003, the HEPL has concluded many active partnerships with most EU countries, taking care to strike a balance between the countries of the South, North, East and West. When a new country is integrated in the Erasmus program, we put ourselves quickly in search of quality partners in this country. In order to adapt the partnerships offered to the global economic situation, the HEPL expanded its partnerships outside Europe, to Latin America, Asia, Canada and Russia. We are working on expanding our partnerships to the USA. As explained below, the continuous improvement of our education is one of our priority objectives. To this end, as part of the Erasmus program, we work to help our students reach or exceed the level of our best partners. Thus, in some departments, the lesson grid has been adapted to accommodate the mobile students In (eg organizing a semester in English in the "foreign trade" department in which worldwide students are grouped together with our students, which gives to them all invaluable intercultural and language skills and offers them an international knowledge network). The comparison between HEIs leads us to give thought to our practices and to continuously strive towards excellence. We appropriate good practices observed abroad by teachers or students, and we offer ours to our partners. An example of good practice is the organization of semesters in English mixing Belgian students and Erasmus students and the entrepreneurship program undertaken by international teams. Teachers with special skills are invited to take part in a mobility, whether in or out. Mobile students and teachers develop a greater openness as they adapt to other teaching methods and other cultures. They become ambassadors of mobility and are more likely to work in a global world. Erasmus enhances the personality of the students who learn to live and communicate independently in a different linguistic and cultural environment. They tame their fears of the unknown and become much more open to the world. A different approach to classes increases their learning abilities. Mobile teachers give the best of themselves to prepare an intervention abroad to maintain the good reputation of our HEI. This work is recovered and benefits the national students. During mobility, exchanges between the same specialty teachers push each other towards quality improvement of content and pedagogy. "Entrepreneurship", "Creativity", "Négociales" are all national and international activities that we propose to our students. These competitions are prepared jointly by corporate executives and specialist teachers. Many executives are lecturers and we invite companies from various countries to provide specialized training in our departments. An analysis of our curriculum and skills expected by employers is established and allows us to improve our training. It is the same during the national or international internships. The HEPL has three priority objectives: - To develop mobility and the corollary understanding of other cultures and language skills. - To increase the visibility of the HEPL internationally, for the quality of its teaching and expertise. - To adapt its teaching practices to the best ones observed in Europe and outside Europe. To achieve these objectives, the HEPL will focus on: - The development of student mobility (courses and internship, both in bachelors and masters) and the increase of teaching and training missions. - The participation in cooperation projects (IP), as a promoter or as a partner. We are currently looking for suitable partners to study the development of new joint degrees.

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