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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The main aims of the Erasmus+ project included the following: 1) raisng the level of our school's internationalization through developing our cooperation with foreign partner institutions; 2) increasing our students' and staff's mobility; 3) exchanging best practices and sharing experience; 4) developing study courses taught in English; 5) raising the academic community's awareness in terms of their existence in the broadly understood academic world of the EU, with reference to such issues as multiculturalism, intercultural communication, the need for constant self-improvement (e.g. foreign language learning) and interpersonal openness. There were the following participants in the project: SMS - 2; SMP - 5; STA - 3; STT - 3. Our students and staff took part in educational mobility programmes in accordance with their specializations and qualifications. It was thanks to the Erasmus+ Programme - the main tool for the internationalization of our school - that they could broaden their knowledge, improve their skills and share their knowledge and experience outside Poland. The influence which the project has had on our school must be seen in the following contexts: increasing the level of its internationalization, opening it up to the foreign world, and creating opportunities to cooperate with others in foreign environments. Their participation in the Erasmus+ Programme allowed our beneficiaries to verify some of their assumptions about their studies and work; the opportunity to collate these assumptions with the foreign reality gave them a chance to better plan their further professional and personal development, and made them reflect on their professional careers. As for long-term benefits, we perceive our foreign partners as points of reference which make it possible for us to self-improve as well as reinforce and promote our good concepts and ideas.

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