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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In the example of the Technische Universität Ilmenau is clearly anchored that internationalisation is a key component of the developing strategy: „The Technische Universität Ilmenau - the technological university of Thuringia - maintains an intensive academic and cultural dialogue with partners at home and abroad. It puts with its action impulses for a responsible social, economic and cultural development of the town, the region, the Free State Thuringia and the Federal Republic of Germany. The Technische Universität Ilmenau (TU IL) promotes, supported by suitable programmes, the international exchange of her students, professors, employees and looks at the scientific cooperation as one of its main duties. With varied measures it creates study terms and terms of employment which are marked by common intercultural thinking and action and builds bridges between the nations. In addition, it supports initiatives that support the general esteem and tolerance of the world population.“ Thus it is consistent that the TU IL has signed the „National Codex for the foreign study“ at an early stage. It protects an equal participation of disabled persons and the same chances for women and men and will do everything to offer no space to racism and xenophobia. In the internationalisation strategy of the TU IL the support of the mobility is firmly anchored by students, scientists and university staff. The TU IL helps itself of several instruments to increase the foreign mobility of own students and employees. The target regions defined by the university (Russia and CIS; South America, above all Brazil, Peru, Colombia, Argentina, Mexico; Asia, above all China and Vietnam; South-East Asia, above all Indonesia; Central Europe and East Europe, above all Romania) are examined in the TU IL by so-called target region representatives. They maintain the narrowest contact with the partner universities there, advertise in Ilmenau to this and are the first contact for students who would like to go to these regions. Besides, under its care the double degree programmes offered by TU IL is developed and promoted. The TU IL has currently students from 91 nations (portion approx. 18.8%), maintains 185 university partnerships worldwide, is involved in 9 double degree projects and three strategic partnership projects as well as numerous other initiatives in apprenticeship and research. The TU IL has concluded Interinstitutional agreements with more than 70 partners in 21 countries. Erasmus+-Programme offers to our students a very good possibility to spend a study period abroad. Also our scientists and our university staff use this possibility. Erasmus+-Partnerships are agreed by the initiative of university teachers. The direct contact of professors makes sure a good specific supervision of the exchange student. This specific contact is a good precondition for the realisation of the lecturer's and staff mobility. In the area of the student's mobility SMS the TU IL has got funding of 54,264 EUR for 48 mobilities. All together we could support 36 students in her plan to finish a study period abroad within Erasmus+. This corresponds to a fulfilment rate of 75%. The TU IL is involved in various projects which also contain teaching obligations in the partner universities. This causes a lack of teaching capacity in the home university. In the area of the staff mobility for apprentices, advanced training and continuing education a funding of 17,280 EUR for 15 mobilities in STA and 4 mobilities in STT was part of the project. In the area STA we could register 6 mobilities. Fortunately, twice as many exchange measures (8) could be realised in the staff mobility STT as initially calculated (4).
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