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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The ERASMUS+ project aimed at the cooperation of higher education institutions and the propagation of placements abroad. The main activities were student mobility and staff mobility for teaching and training. An important aim was to increase the number and quality of these international cooperation mobilities. The very challenging aim in number and quality was almost totally reached, even partially surpassed. The transfer of money between different types of mobilities and some necessary adaptions to situations arising in reality made slight corrections necessary. The positive result for participants and host institutions were numerous and of long effect. The extra value widely surpasses the individual activity by far. The optimization of the credit transfer was almost completely reached in the sense of the program. ERASMUS+ resulted in a broader variability of mobilities in character and duration. This made the program administration not always easier, due to the fact that uniformity and conformity to fixed patterns decreased. The good sides, however, once more outnumbered the bad considerably. The program management made much higher demands in complexity and workload than the preceding program had done. A lot of adaptions to new processes and rules and changes in procedure became necessary. They could be coped with successfully, though. The burden that had to be carried was, however, much heavier than initially expected. The ERASMUS+ program made numerous activities possible, which aimed at the support of the friendship of nations, cooperation of institutions and European cooperation.
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