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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project was carried out in the frame of KA103 Erasmus+ Key Action 1,Learning Mobility of Individuals: programme countries. The main objective of the project was to enable a maximum possible number of students and staff of the University of Szczecin to carry out a mobility period within four types of actions: student mobility for studies (SMS), student mobility for placements (SMP), staff mobility for teaching (STA), staff mobility for training(STT). The number of mobilities carried out during the project was 328, including 128 SMS, 30 SMP, 44 STA and 126 STT mobilities. Additionally, 133 students and 16 teachers from partner HEIs were accepted for a mobility period at the University of Szczecin. During the project a number of regular and additional selection rounds were carried for all types of mobilities, preceded by promotion and information meetings at all in-town facultie., Selection of outbound students and staff was made on the basic of non-discriminatory rules adopted at the university and the students were granted recognition of results. The main result of the project was to improve the quality of education through learning about the teaching methods adopted abroad and exchange of the best practices. The result was also for the individuals to acquire new competences and skills relevant for their personal and professional development. The project also had impact on staff from sending involved in its impletementation, as well as on partner institutions.

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