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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

All planned quantitative and qualitative objectives were fulfilled as described in the grant agreement and Erasmus Charter for Higher Education. Particularly in the areas of: - Developing relations with partner countries and institutions in higher education, - Support for regional development - Recognition and validation of skills and qualifications, - Communication, dissemination and exploitation of results between partner countries and institutions. - Security objectives of the international mobility of students, - Security objectives of the international mobility of employees, - Promoting language learning and linguistic education, - Promoting cultural diversity - Exchange of best practices Total joined the project: - 77 outgoing students - 27 students coming - 23 employees Realized activities: - Training of students, staff, coordinators - Lectures, seminars - Face-to-face teaching The long-term benefit from closer cooperation with foreign partners, which is in the area of mobility can be transferred to other joint activities (joint publications, joint study programs, common quality publications, research projects and scientific cooperation, conferences).
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