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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

-Student mobility for traineeships between Programme Countries: Mobility of five students from Higher Education Vocational School for practices at work in Berlin, Germany: From 2011-2012 we have made these mobilities, with the collaboration of a local vocational training school. This course has involved five students of the Vocational Training Higher Level, from the specialties Automotive (2), Automation and Robotics (2) and Telecommunication Systems and Informatics (1), all of them successfully passed the subject of Training at Work, compulsory module of their training curriculum. The realization of these experiences in the last 4 courses has resulted in an increased interest for high-quality training of the students, observing a significant improvement in their academic results and interest in language training; students recognize this as an opportunity to develop their training in companies in another country, with different management systems, techniques and working methods ... apart from this for students is a vital experience of knowledge of other cultures and places and an important complement to the curriculum for their future. -Staff Mobility for Training: First experience of the center in this type of mobility, he has involved a teacher, Industrial Engineer, teacher in the fields of Automotive and Robotics on the High and Middle Vocational School. During his stay in Berlin, he visited the institute OSZ TIME, Vocational School, prize German Renewable Energies in 2008 for his project European Air, at this school is developed the teaching of Robotics, Renewable Energy, Informatic and Electronics, all materials developed in our school. With the mediation of the OSZ Tiem institute he visited the companies AUCOTEAM and Andrick Drucklufttechnik GmbH (Robotics), DB Netz AG (Telecommunications) and Automotive GmbH Autohaus Dinnebier (automation). This mobility has allowed to see different technologies and tools in the field of education and practices at work, with a view to its implementation in the classroom and the achievement of high quality training focused on the reality of the working world and its current globality.

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