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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

At KAMK, the number of exchanges funded by the mobility project for higher education students and staff with programme countries are almost in balance: incoming students: 47 (45 for studies, 2 as trainees), incoming staff 25 (19 teacher exchanges, 6 staff exchanges), outgoing students: 44 (26 for studies, 18 trainees), outgoing staff: 22 (10 teacher exchanges, 12 staff exchanges). There were less outgoing students than during the previous year but because there has only been a small decline in numbers, we believe this situation is only temporary. The number of outgoing staff members at KAMK, has increased significantly compared to the previous year, partly because most of the costs of the exchange can be covered by Erasmus+ financing and partly because the universities funding model supports staff mobility. The number of incoming students and staff remained more or less the same. It is intended that KAMK staff exchanges will continue to focus on selected universities with the aim of intensifying cooperation. International Week, which was organized by KAMK and took place during the 2014-2015 academic year, increased the visibility of internationality and the amount of teaching offered in English, also within degrees delivered in Finnish. Erasmus+ funding allowed several participants to attend International Week. It is intended that a similar event will be organized every year. Overall, it can be stated that Erasmus plays a significant role in supporting the internationalization of KAMK.
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