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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Jun 1, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The 2014 project, together with the implementation of the new Erasmus+ programme, have taken place at a time of transition within the International Office at ENSMM, and during the evolution of the international strategy of the institution. ENSMM has indeed introduced a mandatory period of international mobility as part of its Engineering degree, effective from 2015. The objectives for the 2014 project were the implementation of the new European mobility management tools (Mobility Tool, OLS) and the introduction of the new internship mobilities. The number of participants, 35, and the uniformity of their engineering profile reflect international mobility within the institution. During the 2014 project, ENSMM has concentrated its international strategy on outgoing mobility, and on maintaining de quality of the incoming mobility's experience. From a quantitative point of view, the results achieved are within expectations within this period of transition. They are characterised by a shift of the outgoing mobility from study towards internship mobility, and by stability where incoming mobility is concerned. From a qualitative point of view, the resultats achieved are satisfying. They reflect the efforts undertaken and often exceed our expectations. These results will positively impact impact both the outgoing and incoming mobility at ENSMM, as they illustrate the benefits and richness brought by a period of European mobility as part of the Engineering cursus. At present the long-term benefits of the 2014 project appear to be twofold: the new mobility management tools (Mobility Tool scoreboards and financial management tools) are important assets for monitoring and strategic manangement during the life of the project. Furthermore, the opening of the Erasmus + programme to internship mobility is a great advantage for an Engineering Institute and the degrees its delivers. Internship mobility enables future engineers to apply within a professional environment the knowledge and know-how acquired as part of their training. It also enables them to gain key skills for their employability: operational linguistic skills, working as par of an intercultural team to name but a few.Finally, internship mobility considerably strengthens the links between academia and the business world.
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