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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

We consider that student mobility (for studies or traineeship), teacher mobility and staff mobility are a factor of improvement for all the participants, for our institution, and for the European education system. Based on this consideration, our aim is to promote and to develop all kind of mobility. We put efforts on communication to explain the interests of mobility and to present the different helps they can receive on pedagogical, administrative and financial aspects. We also put efforts to clarify the procedures from the idea to make a mobility to the return after the mobility. We do not have objectives in terms of number. We want to improve the mobility experience of all participants, in order to start a virtuous process that will lead to an increase the number of mobility. As an example, in 2014/2015, 193 students participated to SMS, and in 2015/2016, we will reach the number of 260, and we guess that this rising is due mainly to our policy. More, we pay a lot of attention to teacher and staff mobility, it is known that there is a direct consequence between teacher/staff mobility and student mobility. We also take care of our partners and we have the ambition to have less partners, but with more agreements.

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