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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our registration in the Erasmus initiative is the result of a desire from the training branch of the French Red Cross. However, this project had already been the subject of thinking in our institute, thinking that was part of a long-standing practice of international internship. The objectives of this policy are first to offer students an opening to other professional practices, other health systems, to allow them to practice a foreign language in a professional context, to add to the university dimension at nursing education and finally to strengthen the "international" image of our institute, consistent with our belonging to the French Red Cross. The 2014-2015 year was thus the first in which there was a concretiization of this commitment Erasmus +. The initial project was for one outgoing mobility study for one semester and 2 outgoing mobilities internships. The first observation that we realized was that the programming of the alternation we made before was hardly compatible with the expected conditions for mobility training (not enough periods of two consecutive months during 2nd and 3rd year ). The mobility study was made possible for a student of 3rd year for 4 months in a Belgian institute. The partnership with the institute Condorcet was then enriched with a incoming mobility of teaching. A trainer came from Mons to our institute and has been among others intervene with third-year students for the contributions and exchanges on the management of end of life in Belgium and differences with France. This experience will be repeated and expanded in 2015-2016 with the arrival of two trainers from Mons. At last, we were contacted by the University of Evora in Portugal for incoming mobility studies. We welcomed during the school year a student who performed in our institute the equivalent of the 2nd semester of the 3rd year and 1st semester of his fourth year. The integration of this student in third year group benefited to students and trainers. The pursuit of a partnership with the University of Evora is quite possible but poses the problem of language for outgoing mobility. Teaching Portuguese is rare in France.
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