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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

For more than 25 years, CentraleSupélec (formerly known as Ecole Centrale Paris and Ecole Supérieure d?Electricité) has been at the core of European higher education partnerships. Centrale Paris is a founding member of the T.I.M.E. Association, a network of 55 leading technical universities and engineering schools in 20 countries (mainly in Europe, but also in China, Japan, Brazil, Australia) which have been cooperating in order to promote academic recognition and exchange of students through double degree programmes (Master level). One of the objectives of CentraleSupélec is to reach 40% of international students (at the graduate level) mainly European. As far as double degree is concerned, we will continue to experience and propose new mobility schemes allowing French and international students to finish their studies in France or to go abroad for 2 years in joint programmes. In terms of credit transfer mobility, CentraleSupélec targets the spring semester for a maximum of exchanges offering thematic courses in English. Appropriate courses are available for final year students or students looking for a specialization. In order to diversify its recruitment, CentraleSupélec is developing fee-paying offer and alternative admission for students coming from non partner universities outside of Europe. These intitiatives will be supplemented with full tracks in English and joint international PhD programmes already initiated by Université Paris-Saclay. Given the increasing number of French-speaking students in the world, particularly in Africa, English courses will not be developed at the expense of French courses that are an asset of the school. Concerning outgoing mobility, which is compulsory for our students, the international team puts great effort into increasing attractiveness of not so popular destinations. This was the case of Brazilian universities which became very demanded after conferences, forums, study trips organized by CentraleSupélec. The aim of student mobility is firstly knowledge acquisition through the courses taught and interaction at the partner institutions and secondly the experience and adaptation to a new culture in the host country. All the Erasmus+ mobility periods are validated and students receive 30 ECTS/semester. The participants to the Erasmus+ programme are mainly Master students (second year for short mobility periods and third year for double-degree mobility). During the academic year 2014/2015, 69 students have benefited from the Erasmus+ programme, 5 being non beneficiaries.
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