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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In the European context, National University of Music Bucharest represents a prestigious music higher education institution. Its fame is given both by the professional quality of the involved actors (students, teachers) inside the frame of the ERASMUS + Program and by the educational offer provided. Its musical specific (one-to-one teaching, the importance of the individual study in organizing the daily schedule, the role of the artistic practice ? as a part of the university curriculum ? in developing the student?s professional profile) leads to some particularities, such as: - The double selection of the participants (both at home and at the host institution) - The subjective dimension of the choices (made by the student and by the professor) - The essential role of the ERASMUS + offices in maintaining the communication between the specialized departments, student and teacher ? during the evaluation process of the application, in assuring a feedback (admission/rejection), in negotiating the disciplines and the ECTS requested by both institutions. The individual mobility of study/placement, teaching/training had as beneficiaries students (from all the study levels: bachelor, master, doctorate), teachers and non-academic staff from the National University of Music Bucharest and had as a main goal assuring the permanency in the interuniversity cooperation and improving the internationalization strategy of the higher music education. The academic year 2014 ? 2015 reflected not only an increasing number of Inter-institutional Agreements, but also a growing interest in assuring the quality in organizing mobility. Our main partners have been chosen from higher music education institutions, cultural & research centres, publishing houses and libraries, professional institutions (orchestras, philharmonics) The project?s results have been concentrated on each type of the mobility: a. Students (SMS & SMP): - Improving the learning competences and individual study within an artistic and multicultural environment - Developing self-management competences in career management and in identifying the cooperation opportunities offered by an artistic and international environment - Developing the artistic personality throughout an international perspective of the modern society. Increasing the capacity of integration and facing the challenges of the contemporary education and musical/artistic practice. - Increasing the self-esteem and developing a personal profile within the music communication process, in the light of the challenges experienced in different cultural environments. - Increasing the entrepreneurial and innovative spirit by participating and cooperating in music projects organized by the host institutions. - Increasing the awareness towards the European values by actively integrating in the social, cultural and artistic life of the community. - Improving the linguistic competencies, as a result of the cultural immersion and of the Online Linguistic Support (OLS) implementation b. Teachers and non-academic staff (STA & STT) - Improving the teaching/training/researching/administrative skills and competences - Increasing the capacity of understanding and practically applying the modernized international perspective within the teaching/assessing process. - Improving the teaching methodology based on the inter-institutional exchange of good practices - Becoming aware of the complementary and formative role of the non-formal and informal education within the music education - Improving the linguistic competences (applied to the music sector) and developing the teaching abilities in a foreign language, both at home and at the host institution - Increasing the level of professional satisfaction in the teaching process - Improving the professional rute and increasing the career opportunities by mentioning in the CV the international experience ? as an important and relevant indicator for the didactic/pedagogical evolution. c. Institution: UNMB has reevaluated its inter-institutional partnerships (53), promoting a dynamic policy ? connected to the existing requests (from teachers, students, institutions). Identifying new institutions of artistic practices (festivals, professional ensembles, schools, universities, libraries and research centers) represents a challenge and a priority in organizing and developing the mobility process.
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