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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"Ion Mincu"University of Architecture and Urbanism is aware that modernization and internationalization of higher education institutions plays an important role in society and has a major contribution in the sustainable growth of all European countries, establishing professional link with similar universities and organisations from all over the world. In the last years, UAUIM participated in different cooperation projects under Lifelong Learning Programme (Erasmus, Erasmus Mundus, IP's) and has bilateral agreements in common projects with more than 80 similar institutions from Europe, Asia, Latin America and the USA. The main objectives and priorities of UAUIM within the project were to facilitate a closely cooperation with similar universities and institutions in order to achieve an architectural higher education at European standards, to promote the development of quality, high performance and innovation in European higher education, to increase the number of cooperation projects between higher education institutions and to encourage intercultural dialogues and language learning with the purpose of promoting the diversity of cultures from different European countries. Thus, in the academic year 2014-2015, UAUIM continued the collaboration with the 55 partner universities and institutions and signed 4 new bilateral agreements with universities from Austria, Italy, Belgium and Denmark. The main objectives in choosing our partners were those related to the compatibility of the academic profiles and the specific degree courses offered by our partner universities: architecture, interior architecture, product design, urban and landscape planning. There were not excluded agreements with institutions specialized in related areas, like history of art. In the project we had 73 outgoing participants and 31 incoming participants. Out of the 73 outgoing participants, 56 students from the 1st and 2nd cycles participated in student mobility for studies, 2 of them from disadvantaged backgrounds and 3 with zero grant, 10 students from the 2nd cycle participated in students mobility for traineeships and 7 didactic staff participated in staff mobility for teaching, out of which 1 with zero grant. Out of the 31 incoming participants, 22 students from the 1st and 2nd cycles participated in student mobility for studies and 9 didactic staff participated in staff mobility for teaching. The outgoing students were selected on transparent criteria, according with the Erasmus Regulation of UAUIM, on the basis of the academic performances, their own options and the linguistic competences. All the mobilities were based on a learning agreement for studies or traineeships and after the mobility UAUIM recognized and validated all theoretical and practical activities satisfactorily completed by our students. Regarding the didactic staff, the participants in teaching mobility were both junior staff, with no previous participation in Erasmus programme, in order to enhance their teaching capabilities and diversify the pedagogical knowledge with experience at other academic institutions, and senior staff, with experience, in order to allow them to be up to date with contemporary trends in architectural higher education and to maintain the long professional relationships that can be fructified in future research joint-projects. All the mobilities were based on agreements for teaching signed in advance and all the activities were fully recognized by UAUIM at the end of the mobility period. Incoming participants (students and didactic staff) were integrated in all the specific activities, according to the study or teaching agreements approved by all parties before the begining of the mobility. All participants were provided with information related to travel, accommodation, visa and insurance and incoming students received, on request, accommodation in our campus. At the end of the mobility period, incoming participants received all the needed documents that confirmed that the agreed programme was fulfilled. The majority of the participants were delighted with the experience offered by the mobility of study, practice or teaching offered by the Erasmus Programme. So, the contact with an academic or professional environment from other European countries provided them the possibility to improve their technical, lingvistic and cultural competences, diversifying their specialized formation in order to be aligned to an European common space. In the future, UAUIM aims to continue the collaboration with the partner institutions and to sign bilateral agreements with other organizations, in the mobility project and in other common projects (competitions, workshops, conferences, exhibitions etc.), in view of reaching a high standard in architectural education, equal with other European countries, and to promote cultural diversity at an international level.

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