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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Superior School of Health of the Alcoitão (THIS), is a particular superior educational establishment, instituted for the Casa Saint of the Mercy of Lisbon (particular institution of social solidarity, without lucrative ends), which develops its mission in the areas of the social action, health, education and culture. Integrated in the national system of education, as School of polytechnical superior education, in 1994, to THIS more than possesss 50 years of experience accumulated in the education and formation in Fisioterapia, Occupational Therapy and Therapy of Fala. It was the first Portuguese School to form professionals in these areas and leciona courses of licenciatura and mestrado, in the system ECTS, all they believed by the Agency of Avaliação and Acreditação of Ensino Superior (A3ES). The School has kept the most raised international standards, establishing a contact priveligiado with the homologous Schools the international level, mainly in the scope of the Europe, and of lusófonos countries In such a way, one of its objectives key of long date it consists of consolidating its active participation in the European work groups of schools of Fisioterapia (European Network of Physiotherapy in Higher Education), of Occupational Therapy (European Network of Occupational Therapy in Higher Education), and of Therapy of Fala (Network will be Tuning Standarts and Quality of Education Programmes in Speech and Language Therapy/Logopaedics across Europe), and widening this cooperation to other Schools congéneres. In the specific field of Mobility, he is objective of the THIS to promote bilateral interchanges with sight to reach levels of enters 5% 10% for the mobility of pupils SMS, 15% 25% for the missions of education STA ?outgoing?, as well as significantly increasing the number of missions of education STA ?incoming?. The establishment of mechanisms of evaluation of the quality of education, based in international standards is a concern of the THIS, while basic element of the cooperation programs. The politics of internationalization of the School is subscribed by all the structures of management, being assured the principles of equality of chances and no discrimination.

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