European Projects
Higher education student and staff mobility projec..
Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014,
End date: Sep 30, 2015
This Erasmus+ individual mobility project is part of the Universidade Católica Portuguesa?s (UCP) current internationalisation strategy in continuation of the University?s participation in the ERASMUS program, which has existed since 1998. The student mobility for studies and student mobility for placements (SMS / SMP), as well as teacher mobility (STA), have long been a key component in the University's internationalisation process in which the interest for training mobility (STT) has also gradually increased.
The main objectives of the project are to:
1 - Encourage the international dimension in schools where it is less developed, ensuring project management that is in line with the UCP internationalisation strategy;
2 - Establish new partnerships and strengthen existing ones;
3 - Increase SMS, SMP, STA and STT mobility flows, at both incoming and outgoing levels;
4 - Improve the monitoring required to ensure the quality of the mobility (for example in the case of student mobility, ensure the development of a suitable syllabus/placement, the provision of information on accommodation solutions, the promotion of initiatives for a good inclusion in the host country, particularly in the academic community, etc.)
The total number of participants, both outgoing and incoming, has increased significantly compared to previous years. With regard to outgoing participants, the total number increased from 309 in 2013/14 to 354 in 2014/15, with emphasis on the mobility of students for placements, in which there was an increase of approximately 133%.
Regarding participant profile, 4 students were eligible for the allocation of Erasmus + Supplementary Grant.
Student mobility is undoubtedly the most significant activity in the project and as such, one that requires a greater investment to ensure proper management.
Within the scope of Erasmus Teaching Staff mobility (STA) and in accordance with the project objectives (see point 1), teacher mobility was encouraged from schools that were in the early phases of their internationalisation processes and were invited to participate for the first time in this part of the program.
With regard to STT, the number of outgoing participants is still very low (mainly due to the number of grants awarded to UCP for this action), in contrast to the significantly higher volume of mobility received in the various Schools/Services of the University.
The results of the implementation of the project are extremely positive, particularly given the demands inherent to the need of introducing new procedures established by the EC for the Erasmus + program in 2014/15.
The most noteworthy results include:
- Management of Funding
Although student mobility (311 SMS, 27 SMP) was much higher than the number awarded in the contract (267-SMS, 12-SMP), grants were awarded to all students, except one (due to incompatibility with other funding received for studies). All the mobility for teaching assignments was also funded with a number of grants that was greater to that laid down in the contract (9 in contract, 13 attributed).
- Academic Achievement
Within the student mobility program, there was only one case in which academic achievement was not obtained;
- The allocation of more human resources to support centralised project management allowed not only for the optimal management of funding, but also for the introduction of new procedures to improve the flow of information between different services (Rectory, Treasury, Schools) regarding the implementation process of each mobility.
The impact of Erasmus mobility is expressed, among other aspect, in the following:
- Increased interest towards the Erasmus + program (growing number of UCP candidates to various forms of mobility, as well as the SMS, STA and STT mobility received);
- Increasing appreciation of the international mobility experience (e.g. relevance of this experience recognized by employers in evaluating cvs)