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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The mobility project Erasmus+ aims at offering the IPBeja and partner institutions students and staff learning, teaching or training experiences in an international context and contributing to the development of professional and personal competencies supporting mobility, employability and the integration in the European labor market. Benefitting from a network of more than 80 partners, both higher education institutions and enterprises, the project allowed that 145 persons, among students, teachers and staff, benefit directly form the opportunity of carrying out a study, traineeship, teaching or training mobility period in one of the partner organizations. Supporting the internationalization of education, the management of the Erasmus+ mobility programme in 2014/2015 aimed at stimulating the candidates proactivity and taking the necessary measures and background in order to assure that the individual mobility experiences were carried out under the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education principles, namely: pre-establishment of inter-institutional agreements, call and selection of participants, informative and pre-mobility preparing sessions and launching of ?informative packs?, language preparation, definition of previous learning/training/teaching agreements, integration and support while in the host institution, issue of final certificates and transcripts, credits and professional recognition, monitoring process, internal and external dissemination, sharing of good practices and necessary adjustments. The project contributes to answer the following necessities: - To improve the internationalization of IPBeja, by stimulating new communication channels and cooperation forums with European organizations and reinforce the international visibility of the Institute; - To offer students, teachers and staff the opportunity to develop their personal, language, professional and employability skills by carrying on a learning/teaching/training experience in a partner institution; - To stimulate international cooperation among researchers and to share new scientific trends nest to young professionals; - To promote the administrative modernization and implementation of quality management tools in the Institute; - To answer students and graduates higher search for traineeships opportunities and support the cooperation higher education/enterprises. - To promote european citizenship and the learning of foreign languages.
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