Search for European Projects

Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

GUC tries to rise the number of students going on on a mobility period in general, and especially to European countries. Over the last years we have had quite good numbers of nursing students going on exchange, but unfortunately the number of technology and engineering students choosing a European destination has dropped. This is mainly due to when the study programmes have their mobility window (in their 5th semester) which makes it challenging to chose most European destinations due to differences in semester structures. Our students have to be back in January to start their work on their bachelor thesis, and most European destinations, like Germany, France, Spain, still have exams in January/February. Because of this, they tend to chose US or Australia. We are hoping to change this in the coming years, working with the programme coordinators to suggest the 4th or 6th semester as a mobility window. When it comes to staff exchange and academic exchange, we reached what was expected.

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