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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

CIRFAP’s policy regarding the mobility of apprentices in Europe has been developed over several years. It first began as an answer to a European initiative which implemented a new curriculum shared by several European countries : Europlastic Higher National Certificate in plastic processing. Ever since, CIRFAP training center has been running a mobility program with a two-month internship for the apprentices of the different sites. This program aims at enhancing cooperation between plastic European companies and our training center. CIRFAP also collaborates with other schools with apprentices such as engineer apprentices so as to help them with administrative procedures for their work placements abroad. In all, every year there are about 30 CIRFAP apprentices who can boast an internship.And every year we can see how benefitial this program is for companies, should it be for taking on apprentices who wish to carry on their studies or for hiring. With the benefit of a few years of hindsight, we now know that some apprentices went back to their internship host country after graduating in order to work or in order to get extra professional experience in the entire world this time. These are temporary or permanent positions offered by the companies that employ them. A group gathering members of the administratve and the teaching staff was formed in 2006. It participated in the making of this European program. This is this group which is now involved in the implementation and the follow-up of the internships. Some of the members of this group have benefited from vocational training in Europe which allowed them to better understand and thus help with student internships. This is why we wish to favor such experiences. The contacts we have made during these various exchanges allowed us to develop a European network that now facilitates the organisation of student mobility.

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