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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The aim to extend and consolidate the process of internationalizing the University has long been considered among the top priorities The University aims to increase its draw on a national and international level, by developing cooperative as well as competitive strategies, with particular focus on studies in the second curriculum.In fact, an increase in enrolment for degree courses and a higher success rate in students careers has been noted. A targeted policy in the selection of partner Universities, structured agreements for specific teachings, increasing the mobility of incoming teachers and temporary contracts for visiting professors have improved the quality of mobility for both incoming students as well as those graduating. These agreements aim for a higher educational standard for students participating in Erasmus mobility programs or programs of internationalization for study courses in order to make the degree qualification more marketable and competitive in the world of work. Proposing to significantly increase the share of mobile students, as much for curriculum I and the II, the University wants a greater number of students enjoy the opportunity of studying abroad, encouraging the acquisition of new methodologies and inclusion in the "learning agreements" of teachings consistent with the educational objectives of the course but not featured in Lumsa's educational syllabus. The focus given by Lumsa in their scheduling, to the internationalization of degree courses and developing activities for "traineeships through appropriate agreements and partnerships, foresees an increase in the possibilities of students to carry out internship's abroad, training and research for degree thesis's (also on the basis of reciprocity involving equal opportunities for foreign students in Italy). At the same time, the strengthening of framework agreements with partner Universities selected for quality and affinity leads to not separate cooperation in teaching from that in the field of research. As for teaching the first element to consider is the mobility of University students with the new Erasmus+ programme. The number of bilateral agreements has been steadily increasing and now amounts to 153. This gives an important signal about the efforts that the University is making to increase the mobility and the initiatives under this new program. The percentage of students who have gone abroad with this new program does not reflect the efforts made by the University to increase the number of outgoing students, while the number of incoming students has always been significantly higher and the data indicates that this gap is likely to increase.The provision of English language education is constantly increasing and now the Lumsa has established two degree courses entirely in English. Development of the teaching in the target language as an instrument intended to boost the draw of the University, is one of the strategic lines of Lumsa's internationalization policy.
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