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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The University Of Camerino (UNICAM) has acquired over the years and maintained a strong focus on the internationalization both of its teaching and research activities. About 10% of students enrolled (not including students participating in Erasmus +) at UNICAM are foreign students. Also, in order to increase the level of internationalization of study courses in Camerino, six Master’s courses are conducted entirely in English. The degree course in Biosciences and Biotechnologies is held entirely in English. Moreover with regard to the courses of Master for scientific programs, agreements were signed for the achievement of the Double Degree with both European and non-European universities. The same opportunity is offered to students of the Master of Science of single cycle in Pharmacy and for the students in Computer Science. UNICAM adheres to the Italian Interuniversity Consortium for Argentina (CUIA). This consortium is chaired by the Rector of UNICAM and involves as many as 27 Italian universities and supports international cooperation with all public and private Argentine Universities. Also Brazil and Peru are important partners in South America for UNICAM with collaborative arrangements for the students exchange, for Double Degree courses and for all research activities in common. The programs provided by the School of Law of Camerino, in particular the program in Social Sciences for non-profit institutions and International Cooperation, are particularly interesting and attractive to Latin American countries. As for Asian countries, UNICAM has established collaboration agreements for both teaching and research with universities in China (in particular with the Jilin Agricultural University in Changchun for the Master of Science in Biotechnology and Liaocheng University in Shandong for students exchange) and Vietnam (with the University of Hanoi, Hanu for Double Degree programs and students exchange). In addition, the University of Camerino, together with the University of Urbino, collaborates with the University of Dschang in Cameroon for research, training and international mobility, for faculty, students and young researchers in the field of Pharmacy In order to further facilitate mobility, UNICAM funds with its own funds and uses funds from Italkian Ministry (1) for "Third Countries grants " aiming at the development of training activities, preparation of theses or stage / internships abroad in third (non-EU) countries, (2) specialization grants abroad aimed at improvements activities by recent graduates or specialization in foreign institutions or international university or professional highly trained, (3) Scholarships specifically dedicated to students for the acquisition of double degrees of Master. The Erasmus+ deeply roots itself in the policy of internationalization of Camerino. Its goal is to allow the participation of a number of UNICAM students between 110 and 140 per each academic year. With regard to the incoming of students Erasmus + at the moment the number is not particularly high (about 60 students per academic year). The goal is to increase this number by at least another 20 units per academic year, taking advantage of the mobility of teachers and staff, which will allow the foreign student a better knowledge of the University of Camerino. With more specific regard to the Erasmus +, UNICAM has signed over 150 agreements as with partner Universities for mobility of studying. The choice of partners is based on two main pillars: curricula affinity and complementarity. The goal is to offer to UNICAM students an opportunity to deepen and integrate their acquired knowledge, guaranteeing them full recognition of credits earned on the foreign institution. Similarly, for students Erasmus+ incoming, the commitment of Camerino is to provide adequate information on training activities that are offered, on the period (I or II semester) and on the dates of tests. For this purpose, the quality system of the University requires that the provision of training for the next academic year (beginning on next September) must be completely defined by April 15 and each lecturer must defines, by the second decade of May, the detailed proposal program of individual training activity, he or she is in charge of, and must upload it in the specially crafted computer system, making it visible to all potential students. With regard to traineeship mobility, special agreements are signed, if necessary, with institutions and foreign companies. The Internship and Placement Office at UNICAM works together with the internationalization Office in order to offer to the students the widest range of institutions to carry out the activity of traineeship.

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