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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Further to the first provisional year (2013-2014) of the new Erasmus + Programme, Macerata Fine Arts Academy intends to consolidate and expand the excellent results already achieved between 2007 and 2013 with the LLP-Erasmus Programme, including the internal organization concerning study programs and services and the full inclusion in the European system of artistic and professional Higher Education. With the new Erasmus+ Programme our Institution is more and more focused on the internationalization, seen as a precious opportunity to cooperate on the wider European territory and as an added value allowing the individual to acquire more abilities and skills. The Italian Premier has repeatedly invited the young people to cross national borders to enhance their learning experiences according to a highly vocational and international level, through a change of life that can lead to an opening of the mind. For the academic staff (teaching and administrative) the experience of comparing best practices and a different teaching can be crucial for a professional and qualifying growth. Proof of this is the targeted selection of our partners through the signing of bilateral agreements, which - with great satisfaction for our Institute - in little more than one year increased by in number for a total of 14 units, from 38 to the current 52 throughout Europe. At an international level (non-EU) we have signed an agreement with three universities in China, one with Mexico and one with the Academy of St Petersburg. In the last year bilateral agreements with different institutions of the Balkan countries have been opened, in particular thanks to a meeting within the Programme "Creative Europe" organized by the Belgian cultural association (GLO'ART - Lanaken). Our international policy has always been aimed at identifying and choosing partners that could properly cover the European territory, in order to get teaching input from all areas of Europe. Our motto in managing student international mobility refers to a statement by Renzo Piano, which we quote below and that clearly expresses one of our priority objectives: "Young people must go, must go not to escape but because of curiosity. Then they must come back to understand how is the rest of the world and to understand themselves." This is exactly the spirit we try to instill in our outgoing students. In this regard, therefore, we will continue to work in order to increase both types of flow (SMS and SMP), favoring the increase in the number of outgoing individuals. For the SMS mobilities we generally recommend a semester-lasting stay, that we consider the optimal minimum period for learning, even a language. As far as Traineeship is concerned we generally advice a three-month mobility; however, students of the first cycle have shown more and more attentive to the opportunities offered by this new program and soon after playing their first experience of mobility for study, they immediately plan a mobility for Traineeship, preferably in summer, in order to not interfere in their normal course of studies. Students of the second cycle, however, are increasingly oriented towards the Post-Degree Traineeship, as a form of apprenticeship for their future careers. With regard to the teaching staff mobility, the range of teachers asking to leave for a TSA mobility has been gradually expanding, thanks to the wide promotion held by the Erasmus Office, both through the institutional website and with information spread through meeting or the internal mailing-list. Most of the results we obtained in the previous seven years of the program is due to the incisive action performed through 11 intensive projects (IP) that have been approved; in the new Erasmus + Programme we haven't had the opportunity to measure ourselves with the new three-year project yet (Strategic partnerships KA2) due to the few funds provided by Eu-Commission to our National Agency, despite our proposal had achieved a high score (77/100). Another important achievement was to implement the possibilities related to the mobility for Traineeship, which had already had an exponential increase in the a.y. 2013-2014 (more than 100%, that is to say from 4 to 11 mobilities), thank to our joining a Consortia Placement, signing an agreement with the Consortium SUED NORD, Rome, which enabled us to implement 6 SMP mobilities, 8 STA mobilities and 1 STT mobility, for a total of 15 additional flows.

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