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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Objectives The objectives of Erasmus + is European cooperation in education and training, sustainable development of Partner Countries in the field of university education, renewed framework of European cooperation in the youth field, etc. Profile of participants. The project promotes transnational mobility of students and academic staff. I supports participants to improve their knowledge and skills and professional development of the academic staff of our University. The current project increases the capacities and international dimension of organizations in the fields of Higher education and training of students offering programs that had better respond to the needs of individuals, within and outside Europe. Description of undertaken activities The activities are in the field of education and training. The stages of mobility are: Preparation – selection of students for student mobility between program countries and professors for staff mobility between program countries. The selection includes also linguistic exam and preparation. Agreements with new partners are signed – between University of Mining and Geology and Technical Universities form Spain, Greece and Turkey. Agreements between the University and participants – students and academic staff. Preparation of the participants before their departure. Implementation of mobility activities - students for student mobility between program countries attended lectures and seminars in the field of their current education and cover the related exams. They also attended linguistic courses before and during the mobility. Professors presented lectures in Universities, improved their competences and disseminated learning outcomes in the Departments, Faculties and University. The next stage is related to evaluation of the activities during student mobility between program countries and dissemination of outcomes of mobility of students and professors. Results and impact Professors presented lectures in Universities, improved their competences and disseminated learning outcomes in the Departments, Faculties and University. The Erasmus + participants from the Universities of Mining and Geology University are students and lecturers in different aspects of mining and geology. A bachelor and Ph. D. students from the university of Mining and Geology spend a semester in Universities in Austria and Germany.

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