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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The institutional strategy of Karel de Grote University College (KdG) is to focus on intercultural (including international) competences, as well as motivation and self-management skills, flexibility, entrepreneurship and co-creation. We believe these are key competences for both students and staff members. International mobility is a helpful and important tool to stimulate the development of all of these competences, particularly the international competences. Towards 2020, we focus on 5 specific internationalisation strategies: 1.Increase the number and quality of outgoing student mobilities 2.Increase the number and quality of incoming student mobilities in order to achieve a good balance between incoming and outgoing mobility 3.Increase the number and quality of staff mobilities, as well as support their efforts in taking part in international activities 4.Increase the number of international partnerships and projects in which we engage, as well as enhance our existing partnerships 5.Embed internationalisation in our curricula/services in order to reach all KdG students/staff (internationalisation at home & on campus), thus also creating opportunities for incoming students/staff. This Erasmus+ project contributed directly and/or indirectly to these strategies. In 2014-2015, we achieved 157 outgoing student mobilities (88 SMS; 69 SMP), of which 30% involved students from disadvantaged backgrounds. Female/male ratio was 60/40, evenly distributed across both programmes and reflecting the overall female/male ratio across KdG students. We also achieved 99 outgoing staff mobilities (40 STA; 59 STT), with the overall female/male ratio across both programmes at 50/50. Individual staff visits to international partners indirectly also contributed to closer collaboration with these partners. In order to shape a challenging international and intercultural learning environment for all our students and staff members, we need everybody on board. Gradually, we aim to incorporate the internationalisation strategy into all of our services and study programmes. Our continous work on the internationalisation of our curricula, including further development of qualitative English exchange programmes, will enable us to attract more incoming students. This is again a benefit for domestic students and staff in developing intercultural competences. In the framework of this project, we were able to improve outgoing student mobility, but also to extend the services for incoming students. This resulted in a better exchange experience for these students and in a closer internal collaboration between the international office and both the IT department and our student services department, with further positive impact on many levels.
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