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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The main objective of the project 2014-1-CZ01-KA103-000111 was to promote international cooperation in the framework of student and staff mobility between program countries where we currently have a total of 13 partners. The project is an important part of the strategy of the Office of External Relations at the Bank insititutu / College of Banking. In the call has been filed for the project, in which we asked for funding: - 5 student mobility for studies between Programme Countries (5 months/1 mobility), - 2 student mobility for traineeships between Programme Countries (around 6 months/1 mobility), - 6 staff mobility for teaching between Programme Countries (5 days/1 mobility), - 2 mobility of staff training between Programme Countries (5 days/1 mobility). We received the following funding: - 4 students mobility for studies between Programme Countries for a total duration of 18 months, - 1 students mobility for traineeships between Programme Countries for a total duration of five months, - 1 staff mobility for teaching assignments in program countries and lasts 5 days, - 2 mobility of staff training between Programme Countries for a total duration of six days. Thanks to intense promotion of the Erasmus +: Erasmus - not only within the Erasmus Day, we, as compared to previous years, met with great interest on the part of students' mobility in the study period. In its first interim report, thanks to the willingness of national agency - the Centre for International Cooperation (Dům zahraniční spolupráce, DZS) - we were increased grant, due to this we were able to increase the interest of mobility for studies to a large extent satisfy. Supported was - a total of 10 students for studies and one student for traineeships. They were also encouraged 2 staff for training. Mobility for study visits are attended by 7 students follow-up study program Finance and 3 students of bachelor degree programs. However, from that one student had due to force majeure prematurely terminate their mobility study period. The largest number of students - a total of 8 students have for their chosen university study stay in Spain Huelva, which has in recent years been one of our most sought-after partners. One student took part in the mobility study stay in Slovenia and one in Denmark. Additionally, 1 student attended the mobility work placement in the Spanish company. The main benefits of mobility students to study abroad especially include: increasing the linguistic competence - English and possibly a new language (student in Spanish Huelva were also the Spanish), independence, development critical thinking, graduation teaching different forms of education - especially group work and delegation ECTS credits from completed courses, improving the labour market position. For a student who attended the mobility work placement in a Spanish company that experience meant a new start for the future, because after returning from mobility have successfully finished study and is currently an employee of the company, which completed a successful internship. Thanks to very close cooperation with the University of Huelva, our two employees - assistant rector and vice-rectors and colleagues from the finance department - use the menu to attend training in the International Week, during which actively the subjects, workshops and intensive Spanish course. These newly acquired language skills they can use in the current academic year, when we arrived within five incoming Spanish students. It was great that staff could try a new language competence. The students were very pleasantly surprised and it is also possible that our approach - to try to communicate with our Spanish partners and hence the students in their native language - helped by the fact that you have some of them prolong their stay on the summer semester. Further, I quote part of an essay employees who attended the training in Huelva: "The amount we mentioned about the Spanish language. In this tutorial stay for us was prepared by a three-day Spanish course from Tuesday 5th to Thursday 7th of May 2015. It was extraordinarily beautiful experience to get to know the Spanish university, class and language learning. We all learned some of the basics of conversation, order in a restaurant, ask for help. V during the week there was also a discussion among all the participants of mobility, where we had a chance to talk among themselves about their work, about their experiences and give you insights from their work." From the above text it is evident that the training staff not only brought new skills to take advantage of this semester, but also many new contacts that will help enrich our growing network of contacts and partners. For Strategy Office of Foreign Relations is key in the long run it was particularly encouraging mobility of students between Partner countries, this mobility helps to diversity management, helping patricipants gain a competitive advantage in the labour market.

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