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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The College?s aim is to prepare qualified specialists who will be able to work successfully in Lithuanian and European Union companies. Therefore, we continuously update our study programmes, improve the proficiency of our teaching staff. International mobility enables to improve the capacity to operate at EU level. Our College has been participating in Erasmus program since 2004 year. Every year we increase number of participants ? students and staff members. 107 persons (84 students and 23 staff members) participated during this project in the outbound mobility under Erasmus+ program. All participants not only improved their foreign language skills, but became representatives of Lithuania and our College. Students gained experience of studies or work in international environment, became more self-confidence and active. Therefore their career perspectives were improved. Outbound teachers and staff exchanged experience with the staff of host institutions, returned with new ideas that could be used for study programs improvement or creating new teaching methodologies. Nevertheless that a number of inbound students is less than outbound students (28) every year we get more incoming students. That increases internationalization at home; let teachers get experience of teaching in international language. A number of incoming staff was a bit less than outgoing ? 18, but their lectures, workshops, participation in meetings, discussions gave significant input into college?s internationalization. Participating in the project was enriching, valuable and inspiring for all participants. Erasmus exchanges enable students to improve their knowledge of foreign languages and to develop skills such as adaptability which improve their job prospects. It also provides opportunities for teachers and other staff to see how higher education works in other countries and to bring the best ideas home. Increasing mobility increases college?s internationalization, develop a significant group of European professionals with international experience, contributes to college?s studies quality improvement and comparable, compatible European Higher Education Area.
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